So I was all good with this until I was reading more of the boards where this was a slither quote:
"My character once convinced everyone that Fuller Street (on Red) was a SAFE PLACE. Just by saying it often enough and once in a while killing a pickpocket. If you look at the Fuller Street as a place with probably a million people traveling through it a day, it seems silly that one person could do that, but when you look at Fuller Street as a place where 20-50 people are traveling through it a day, it makes sense that one person could do that.
Eventually I realized that I was -breaking the game- because while oldbies and even middlebies knew that what my character was saying was bullshit because he couldn't always be watching... new players knew nothing else. They start the game, they hear fuller is safe, they believe it because the immy that showed them the ropes heard the same thing, and then all the sudden IT IS FACT."
Is this still relevant because it seems to be contrary to the advice I'm getting in the thread here.