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- Komira 10m
- Bruhlicious 1h Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
- himble 23s
- AdamBlue9000 43s Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
- Baphomei 8s
- baewulf 28s
- QueenZombean 4m
- Emily 1h Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 5h Doing a bit of everything.
And 20 more hiding and/or disguised

What to do post-Hiatus?

Hello everyone! I am returning to our glorious game after taking an unannounced Hiatus. Like, a ridiculously long one. Almost 3-4 months. My question is, how do I deal with jumping back into the game? The people I know and love might be dead, or moved on, and I have no idea how to ret-con a half a year absence. Has anyone done this before, and does anyone have any ideas how I should proceed?

You can say you left the city for a time, unless of course you've been sleeping on the streets then you've just be 'slumming' it.

You simply come back and try to re-establish connections and resume working on your character's goals, etc. It's not too bad.

Hi there and welcome back. :)

What SB410 suggested about leaving town and returning can work really well. Especially when considering some of your character's goals in the history you (hopefully) submitted when you first played the character.

Maybe you had a lead to something and went off to track it down but ended up not finding anything or what you hoped? So you come back to Withmore to try again at tracking down person/lead/step toward goal.

You can always also RP coming out from the cloning facility not knowing that 6 months have passed and having difficulties to adapt to the new state of reality.
How about... You pissed someone powerful off and had to lay low? Or: You got in one of those relationships that sucks you in and your friends don't see you for six months? Or: Some helmeted guys in black SUV's took you somewhere you can't talk about to do things for their corporation or syndicate which you can't talk about? All kinds of ideas. Good luck!
Some helmeted guys in black SUV's took you somewhere you can't talk about to do things for their corporation or syndicate which you can't talk about
