The stage creaks as Joe Baka steps up onto it.
The stage creaks as Joe Baka steps up onto it, and he murmurs into the microphone. "Check..."
This mostly happens around pronouns (him/her/me/my). If it ends on a sentence, the period goes missing, as does the capitalization on the next. 'Mine' also doesn't work next to punctuation, but does on its own.
Overall, I've mostly just learned 'to read Sindome' and I recognize what my RP partners are trying to say, but if this ever got fixed, I will bake cookies for whoever fixes it.
It's not intended to be a "just-me" tool, it's intended to be used to describe ambient effects of or influences on your character.
And that's why the language system wasn't built into it. Quotes got removed from spoof after its abusability (bypassing $language) was recognized.
"Help spoof" makes clear that speech isn't supported and describes the design intention of spoof.