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Skill complementing
a question

Dunno if this has been brought up before, I'm willing to be it has...but I am def not in the searching type mood.

So I'm gonna ask, do skills complement each other?

IE say I have Adept Rifle, and Expert Pistol, and very low SMG skill, could you factor all three of those together to use a SMG or a heavy weapon? OR vice versa?

sae with medical chemical, munitions/firearms, systems and programming etc etc etc

I'm not sure if that would be sound.  Bump two, get the third skill free.  Each skill offers its own benefits.
Now, realistically, if you know anything about any firearm, chances are you've a good chance of figuring out certain aspects of another weapon just by general knowledge.  Most use gun powder, most require cocking...
But a biologist, who's taken a few years medschool, would probably not know how to perform brain surgery.
If you can use a weapon as intricate as say a burst/full auto submachine gun, arguably the most "complex" firearm in actual workings then you should be able to very easily use -any- other firearm.   You should't be a Oscelot style pistolear(sp?)   but you should be able to effectively point and shoot and kill.    Shotguns however are arguably the most basic of firearms and just because you know which is the business end of a shottie, would not mean you would be able to accurately shoot a sniper type rifle.    I think there should be some cross use there, or possibly make munitions into a genaric "I know firearms" skill that relates to all 3.   Other than that tho it sounds like it'd be a coding nightmare, that would be most likely ultra low priority if it were to be implimented, as the present system works pretty goddamn well.

My two cents anyway.

Quote: from Jotun on 12:55 pm on June 9, 2009[br]If you can use a weapon as intricate as say a burst/full auto submachine gun, arguably the most "complex" firearm in actual workings then you should be able to very easily use -any- other firearm. � You should't be a Oscelot style pistolear(sp?) � but you should be able to effectively point and shoot and kill. � �Shotguns however are arguably the most basic of firearms and just because you know which is the business end of a shottie, would not mean you would be able to accurately shoot a sniper type rifle. � �I think there should be some cross use there, or possibly make munitions into a genaric "I know firearms" skill that relates to all 3. � Other than that tho it sounds like it'd be a coding nightmare, that would be most likely ultra low priority if it were to be implimented, as the present system works pretty goddamn well.

Oh, I agree, It is def low priority, I just tought it would make more sense. I mean, IRL I was trained specifically on machine guns and assualt rifles/carbines. But after being proficient with those two, I've picked up SMG's and pistols and without anyone giving me more then hey the safteys right there fired and hit what I was firing at.

Just food for thought I guess.
My two cents anyway.

Quote: from Damarung on 10:04 am on June 9, 2009[br]I'm not sure if that would be sound. �Bump two, get the third skill free. �Each skill offers its own benefits.
Now, realistically, if you know anything about any firearm, chances are you've a good chance of figuring out certain aspects of another weapon just by general knowledge. �Most use gun powder, most require cocking...
But a biologist, who's taken a few years medschool, would probably not know how to perform brain surgery.

You must have mis-read me or I didn't make it clear...

I wasn't saying buy 2 get 1 free, I was saying being highly proficient in 2, get a slight slight bonus in the third.

Nobody is saying a biologist could do brain surgery, but maybe heal minor wounds? Hell, I can do that with basic medical knowledge.

I've always favoured skill trees, they're underused in games and can work remarkably well. More diversity in builds, more player involved skill progression, can discourage twinking and min/maxing if done right.

Doing it right is the kicker though, retrofitting some kind of basic "skill A-1 gives a bonus in skill A-2" type hack would be a bit half-assed. You'd be looking at changing char-gen, experience and the entire skill system to get the most out of it.

Can't think what it was but I played a fantasy M* years ago that did it extremely well.

There are times when multiple skills are taken into account, but as far as I know, being ace in two related skills doesn't combine to make you better at either.