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- robotdogfighter 4m
- baewulf 7m
- Aida 4s
- AdamBlue9000 26s Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
a Mench 8h Doing a bit of everything.
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Andro Size Descs for Andro Shortdescs

Currently, when you appear as something androgynous (walker, suit, all that), your size descriptor remains what it was for your base sex. This isn't the case if you swap genders from male to female or vice versa. Would it be possible to have androgynous specific size descriptors in order to even this out. They don't have to be anything amazing, just a third size descriptor category to match the third gender options.
I do not believe this to be the case. I believe they always match the shortdescs of one of the two "base" genders. If you started as that one, they will stay the same. If you start as the other one, they will switch.
But why? If there is a description change for male and female, why not one for androgynous ones?