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Corpie Cyberware
Enhanced Vision Module Addition

I just thought about this on a whimb and it's about adding a cyberware for corpies that lets them see the price of the clothes someone is wearing. I think this would be an amazing idea for the new clothing implementation and would just make corpies be even more discriminatory on each other.

Johnny told me that there is the Enhanced Vision Module for this just not updated, so I decided to still add this here to see what others think.

Interesting.. another way for corpies to throw money around uselessly in order to brag.

I like.

Interesting.. another way for corpies to throw money around uselessly in order to brag.

I like.

Enhanced visions isn't exactly "useless". Sounds like a great way to Make Enhanced Vision Great Again (MEVGA)
Cerberus has already discussed allowing you to discern material type with higher tiers of enhanced vision and we're likely to implement it.
Welp, I just noticed I somehow doubleposted. Sorry.