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Cyberware? No Fucking Way!

So, we've had the Secure Identification Chip, and Nailz are out there too. But they aren't the meat and potatoes.

The Neural Processor is now available ICly.

Additionally, the SK Left CyberEye and SK Right CyberEye are ready to go.

Now, there isn't much these particular wares will do by themselves, but without them, I can't get to the fun shit.

I've got a Heads Up Display module working for the cyber eyes, so it'll be ready pretty quickly. Then your neural processor will have somewhere to send output. ;)

These should be pretty straight forward after that:
- TruSight Targeting Chip & Wrist Socket
- Thermographic Vision Module
- Chip Socket

So, fun is in the works.

You sir, are awesome!
heads up display eye modules are now in game.
thermographic vision modules are now in game.
/thermo to toggle them on and off when you get them.
Further proof that Johnny is, in fact, a machine.
Skillsoft Chip Sockets are now in game. They hold 3 skillsoft chips at once.

To go with these, there are several stores stocking a variety of skillsoft chips that provide a range of talent in a plithera of skills at a variety of prices.


It's awsom!
Yes. I truly feel cyberpunk now. Johnny, can you hurry up the researchers so I can have this IRL?



Oh noes! :boom:

CH57 Cortex Bomb implants are now available for those who need a suicide option.
Suicide implants?


Very nice. Can cyberware be ripped as well as installed?
Quote: from ReeferMadness on 11:08 pm on Feb. 13, 2008[br]Very nice. Can cyberware be ripped as well as installed?

Yes. :beaten: :biggrin:

Minor Step Backwards for the moment.

Until certain components of the game can be upgraded, the SIC will not be a 'reusable' implant. This means that on uninstall, the chip will be destroyed. Additionally, you will not drop your SIC on your corpse when you die, as you might other cyberware.

The SIC will be made reusable again, once the needed code is upgraded to support them properly.

Hey, so while your down there messing with SIC code...think it might be linked to lots of things. A digital footprint is a beautiful thing.

And hey! Five steps forward, one step back...ain't that big of a deal. Seriously, this is fucking awesome! If I had money, I might make the sindome group a valentine.

So here's a poem.

Part of why I had to disable the reusable SIC is because it IS linked into so much shit. It just needs to be patched in a few places before killing your enemies lets you steal their old SIC as easily as it would be. :)
That was a fantastic poem. <3
Our first functional injectable cyberware is now available in game.

Muscle Graft I is a 'nanogenic culture' of little tiny machines that infest your body to artifically cause your muscles to grow.

There is no way to remove the 'implant', cause its just an injection.

The effects of the injection will take nearly 24 hours to fully take hold and it'll provide some interesting RP while its doing so.


Well look at that. A cyberpunk RPG finally lands the 'cyber' part. :)

Great job, J-man. Keep it up.

I can haz real decking maybe?

Our 2nd injectable implant, Synaptic Stimulus I is now available. It infects your body, increasing the speed at which signals pass through your nerves, making you faster.


A word of warning. Too much cyberware / bioware negatively impacts your character's psychology. As you get more shit implanted, you start to look down on lesser humans, seeing them as weak and soft fleshbags, ripe for the abuse they deserve.

In the most severe cases of this problem, called Psychophysical Disassociation Syndrome (which should be documented on the grid - *GM hint*), you'll violently strike out at your friends, lovers and pets.

Your friendly ripper doc can tell you if you've got this terrible affliction, but there is no easy cure - tough choices will have to be made.

The injectable nanogenic culture Cerebral Enhancement I is now available ICly. It infects your brain, making you smarter and giving you one hell of a headache.


Saedor Krupp takes pleasure in announcing the SK GPS Location Chip. When coupled with the SK Visual Overlay Optical Module, you won't need to lug around a GPS unit to know where you're at! Available at your local Cybernetists office! Get one now!
Nailz are restored to their original skill, short blade. No other skill will work for them. That is all.
The WJF Behavior Modification Chip is now available in the game. It's a nasty little chip that once installed, ain't coming out except for the hardway (HA!). Obviously designed for bad criminals, keep in mind that an evil cybernetist could put one in ya while your sleeping. I know, really evil, huh?


The SK Flashboost Capacitor Unit is now available for you to purchase. Dumping a huge amount of epinephrine into your system on use, you get a big rush of speed for a few minutes and then you crash for a while.

Enjoy! make me happy. Really. I'm glad you're back.
What skill does Mr. Studd use? Artistry?
VS Nanosurgeons I is now in game. It's solution of nanomachines stay suspended in your blood stream, effectively stopping you from bleeding to death. Unfortunately, they do not replenish themselves, so if you bleed too much, they'll run out. Another injection of them will be needed if this happens.
The SK LowLite Nightvision Module is now available. Slots into your cybernetic eye and provides you with the ability to see in the dark.

/lowlite - toggle it on and off


(side note: we're up to 20 wares now, weeee!)

Holy schmokes! PDS will tear the city.
The SK Pain Editor Chip is a nifty little bugger. Designed to prevent the worst pain from making you pass out at the worst time, this thing will keep you up and on your feet when you need to stay that way the most!

Available now!

Saedor Krupp is proud to introduce the pinnacle of cybernetic prosthesis, the SK Studdly DoRight(tm) Phallic Replacement. No longer do you have to worry about size, girth or erectile disfunction. With the Studdy DoRight(tm), you'll be certain to do her right, all night long.

Be a man and get yours today!


Congrats to our first studdly recipient. I hope your gear gives you a lifetime of entertainment.
Laser guided...YESH.


ViriiSoma is pleased to announce the latest addition to its line of nanogenic injectables: hemoglobin replacement. Augment those piddly red blood cells with the latest and greatest from ViriiSoma, and feel the most raw energy and increased stamina that today's technology has to offer.
Nito Kodak, the industry leader in optical technologies, is proud to announce the availability of Telescopic Lenses, perfectly designed to mount in an available cybernetic eye slot. Letting you see further than most optics on the market, these babies will help you keep your enemies at a distance!
Zircon Matsua Industries, in partnership with Saedor Krupp is pleased to announce the availability of the TruSight(tm) Interface Socket. Installed in your wrist and wired into your existing cybernetics network, this provides the connections needed to route targeting data from your TruSight(tm) enabled firearm to your visual overlay optical module.

Studies show that real-time targeting data improves accuracy a whopping 22.4%!*

* - Results may vary

Now available from your local cybernetics professional, the all new SK Video Transcoding Chip. When integrated with your existing heads up display implant and a cybernetic transcoding wiring hub (purchased seperately), you can route all the feeds from your existing video security network directly across your field of view.

Get yours today!

ViriiSoma Pharmaceuticals announces the public availability of the VS Toxin Binders I nanogenic culture. Designed to modify your body's ability to filter out harmful toxins, this will keep you from experiencing the harmful effects of overdosing. Overtime, the toxins from recreational drug use can lead to toxic shock and even death. By changing your kidney's ability to filter out these harmful toxins, you'll be able to consume a lot more drugs before you experience toxic shock.

Available now!

Those of you with the Visual Overlay Optical Module can now tell time simply by typing 'time'. It now has a clock display built-in.
Nito Kodak brings you the new NK Subdermal Skinwatch. Never forget your watch again and change the color to match your mood.

Get yours today.

Nito Kodak is please to announce the availability of their critically acclaimed Image Enhancement Lenses. This simple to implant ware fits into an available slot on your cybernetic eye. It yields a wealth of information about the things in the world around you, including, weight, size, vehicle color, armored clothing, modded firearms and immobile objects.

You can never have too much information!

Now THAT is one I want.

Nice work J-man :D

The SK Supplemental Renal System, originally designed for patients with severe kidney failure, is 50% more efficient at processing waste out of your blood stream. This means you'll conserve a great deal more moisture than normal and you won't get thirsty as often.

You desert nomad types will find this one useful, I'm sure. :)

Im really proud of you Johnny you have added many new wares and I really appreciate what you have done for SD. Keep up the good work.
Suck up.

Yeah, thanks Jman.  I can't wait to get my supplemental asshole.

Well, a supplemental asshole would help you retain even more moisture, so ...
One for Mr. for da bowelz.
Shinohara Heavy Industries recognizes your need to stay informed with all these cybernetically and genetically enhanced suprahumans stomping around the city. So we've brought our award winning detection technology home to Withmore.

The SHI CD85T Cybernetics Detector, in the hands of a professional, will scan and report on all hardware implants.

The SHI ND28X Nanogenics Detector, in the hands of a professional, will scan and report on all biological implants.

Sweet, I'm gonna walk around pointing out everyone who has a Mr. Studd and scream, "He has a fake penis!"
It's been confirmed, NK Image Enhancement Lenses work perfectly with the NK Telescopic Lenses. ;)
Any plans for a full conversion cyborg?
Cybernetic Ears and the Amplified Hearing Chip are now released.

Cybernetic Ears have 2 slots for ear modules. The Amplified Hearing Chip is the first such module. It pretty much fucking rules. :)

The Echolocation Chip is now available in game. Navigate like a bat, bitches!
The Sound Editing Chip is now available in game. It's like a hearing aid on crack, lets you overhear more of whats being said. :)
I changed some of the code underlying basic cyberware functionality. If you find your ware not functioning as it used to (giving it a command and nothing happening), give us a @bug on it, so I can look into it. I don't expect it to show up, but I may have missed a line or two of code.
Zircon Matsua Industries is proud to release their military grade Sonic Dampening Chip. Designed to prevent soldiers from being affected by their own sonic grenades, this baby will keep you from going deaf. Get yours today!
Tired of failing to understand mixers and their mixmash? Have a doc implant your cybernetic ear with one of Saedor Krupp's Universal Translator Chips and never worry about them talking about you in ... in front of your face.

Available now in Silver, Gold and Platinum editions.

Those of you who have previously considered some cyberware, but been told by their doc that their chance of contracting PDS was too high, rejoice! The cost to your humanity imposed by several wares (some of them critical) have been reduced and you should consult your doc once again to see if you're better eligible for an implant or two.
Wetware beware!!!!
Quote: from Johnny on 4:55 pm on Mar. 26, 2008[br]Tired of failing to understand mixers and their mixmash? Have a doc implant your cybernetic ear with one of Saedor Krupp's Universal Translator Chips and never worry about them talking about you in ... in front of your face.

Available now in Silver, Gold and Platinum editions.

Is there a complimenting ware that allows you to speak in the languages as well? cyber tongue! (does more than speaks too. =-0)

Warez Request:
New Light Media Join forces with SK to bring you even closer to the grid. That's right, stop lugging around your rigs and e-note devices. With the NodeSurfer 4000+ cerebral implant, you can surf the grid in amazing handsfree fashion. When used inconjuction with a memory augmentation device, you can even write, store, and print any publication you see fit!!*

* Printing capabilites require compatible E-Print device, and wrist socket.
+ Anyone found using a modded NodeSurfer 4k will be Judged.

Question about augmented memory and skillsofts.

Lets say that in a classic Keanaeu Reeves moment, you get a Martial Arts Skillsoft and then say, "I know Kung Fu!"

Well you demonstrate your kung fun for many moons in the dome taking some beatings, but holding your own and you don't die. Then you go clone. And then some one shows you GunFu. Well GunFu trumps KungFu in this scenario and one kaBOOM! later, you're lying in a vat of goo. What happens.

Obviouslly you lose the skillsoft, physically, and the slot. But are any of these warez, DNA augments? And if when cloning, are said DNA augments cloned as well? (Unlike genetic mods (purr, lizard)). should those mods transfer in a clone since they mutate the genetics....

But I digress, when you wake up do you retain ANY knowledge of the skill you mastered for so long. Does your body and mind retain any of that ability? It would seem that if you say forced a language skillsoft upon yourself for long enough, you would eventually be able to not need it....  but, thats just my opinion. These things *could* promote learning of the skills they provide.



You get UE for a reason. While your doing things with your fancy skillsoft, put the UE towards it.
Quote: from Johnny on 1:11 pm on Mar. 29, 2008[br]You get UE for a reason. While your doing things with your fancy skillsoft, put the UE towards it.

Fair Enough :)

Ok socket heads. Now, if you take a combat hit to the head thats got a decent amount of damage behind it, it'll knock a chip right out of your socket. Careful. :)
I don't think a quickterm cyberware application makes any sense. The grid is low-level...the ultimate display of cyberware functionality would be the eventual implementation of the matrix and matrix-cyberware devices. In the near to distant future. :beatnik:
Ok if what tool was saying was when you die do you get to keep your skills with a skillsoft? I actually agree with Johnny. BUT.... What if you have injections like a muscle graph or nanosurgens. Do they stay in you DNA when you update with kind of Ware? Another thing I've been trying to ask.. but never got around to it. If you clone yourself with maybe Nailz, Skillsoft, Neural proccesor blah blah. All those things are lost forever and handed down to the chummer who killed you? Or do you get to keep those things.. maybe they are insured by SK if you die You get... another.. one?
Well.... whatever.
Sure, it'd be great to keep your tech but umm...No. No. No. Cybernetics you definitely don't keep, why would a corporation wanna insure you when they could just sell the crap to you again? Biological modifications could make sense to be kept but I also see this as not happening...considering the cost, its like...nah, doesn't make sense. Its cyberpunk, mano. When you lose...YOU FUCKING LOSE.

"And to think, someone's running around out there with my Studdley DoRight."

Woah, cyberware, how wicked.
Great so see how far Sindome has come.
Will have to dip back in again some time.
Nice to see a lot of the same peeps still here.
Good work Johnny!
Peace all


I believe that is -my- title.
Psh, you'll have to be Junior, Prot was the original Slutboy. :)
Ohh, original :D
As for the translation chips, recently got one, yet I'm not sure it's working like it's supposed to.  I was already fluent in English, and being only one ear was modified I figure I wouldn't have any problems understand English still but I do.  It seems to have upped the other languages but dropped my primary language down to the same level.  Supposed to work this way?
Quote: from Ramsey on 3:59 pm on June 23, 2008[br]As for the translation chips, recently got one, yet I'm not sure it's working like it's supposed to. �I was already fluent in English, and being only one ear was modified I figure I wouldn't have any problems understand English still but I do. �It seems to have upped the other languages but dropped my primary language down to the same level. �Supposed to work this way?

@bug is your friend

Already been done, but wasn't sure if it was warranted or not so figured I'd ask here as well.  :biggrin:
hey guys, I've had problems with softs disappearing, I didn't understand how they worked at first, which was my bad, but then I slotted, unslotted, then reslotted the softs and bam, gone.  I @bugged it before you say anything, just wanted to see if anyone else had problems.   oh also

I don't know if there's a way, but like a -look socket- or socket inventory type command would be a good idea me thinks.  To see whacha got in there.

Quote: from Jotun on 4:20 pm on June 25, 2008[br]
I don't know if there's a way, but like a -look socket- or socket inventory type command would be a good idea me thinks. �To see whacha got in there.

I second this idea. :D

oh and a help file on the sons of bitches would be nice.. Syntax is a holster hooker from the great beyond, if you catch my drift.

Cybernetic Medicine Licenses are now available ICly.
Quote: from Tool on 11:52 am on June 27, 2008[br]
Quote: from Jotun on 4:20 pm on June 25, 2008[br]
I don't know if there's a way, but like a -look socket- or socket inventory type command would be a good idea me thinks. �To see whacha got in there.

I second this idea. :D

oh and a help file on the sons of bitches would be nice.. Syntax is a holster hooker from the great beyond, if you catch my drift.

First, your can't look at your own fucking head, so no, you can't look in the socket. Find a mirror.

And second, 'help cyberware' is smart, it gives you help on each of your wares. :)