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- Aida 1m
- Komira 12m
- Bruhlicious 1h Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
- himble 4m
- AdamBlue9000 1m Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
- baewulf 9m
- QueenZombean 8s
- Emily 2h Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 5h Doing a bit of everything.
And 15 more hiding and/or disguised

AMA: Slither / Fengshui
Ask Me Anything!

I am holding an AMA in this thread. You can ask me -anything-. As long as it's not IC. This isn't a 'Seven Ecks' or 'Lansing' or 'Other Alts' AMA. That would have to happen ICly. And isn't a bad idea, if anyone wants to steal it.

A little about me:

I'm 31. My real name is Brendan. I live on Cape Cod but am from Boston. I run a web dev company. My first Sindome character was named 'Nemisis' and he died instantly. My second character was named 'Nemisiz' and I was instantly @celled for breaking the rules.

My first character that didn't die right away was Parli. He was reaped. I came back and started over with Seven.

Seven first connected on Mon Sep 15 20:48:53 2003 PDT

He is 11 years, 3 months and 13 days old.

This character is 11 years, 3 months and 13 days old.

I've been a GM / Admin on Sindome since:

Slither first connected on Wed Jun 7 23:00:08 2006 PDT

He is 8 years, 6 months and 21 days old.

This character is 8 years, 6 months and 21 days old.

I wear a ton of hats on Sindome. I was Head GM for 5+ years. I am a coder. I am Lorekeeper.

I've seen and experienced almost every aspect of the game at one point or another.

I've never been in the Matrix though! Or looked at the code for it.

This is me:

Now ask me anything.


Q: How many characters have you had in total and how do you feel about ending characters and going for new concepts from scratch versus sticking it out with a single one for years? Why?
Can I pee on you? When is the !%^^T$^(!$$!^'ing Matrix coming?
If my foot isn't a foot long, is it still actually a foot long anyways since it's a foot?
Q: What brought about the creation of Sindome? I mean, where did the idea for the game come from and how was it brought into fruition?
Q: How many characters have you had in total and how do you feel about ending characters and going for new concepts from scratch versus sticking it out with a single one for years? Why?

A: If we don't count my first 10-15 characters that came in, attacked gangers and died. And if we don't count the one-off ones that only lasted a few days or were bridge characters (because I don't even remember all their names):

Main characters: Seven, Lansing

Minor Characters: Parli Ment (1 month), Fack (1 month), Ruby (NPCized), Rex Gold (NPCized)

One Offs: 3-10.

I prefer to play longer term characters. Most of the time I don't fully develop my characters before they come into the game. I create a basic framework, a speech pattern, a description, and basic history and then I let IC events and experiences really shape who the character becomes.

Seven, for instance, came into the game as a babyfaced decker-wannabe. He developed into what he became, over years and years of RP. I really believe that to get in character, really immerse yourself, you have to take into account the characters history, the bad and the good.

Lansing was the first long term character that was killed off. I put him in the situation where he died, though it wasn't 'me' that permed him. It was a fitting end for the character. I miss him a lot. More than I thought. I also miss Fack. Even though my time with him was pretty light.

At this point, if you asked me if something I do was a 'Brendan' behavior or a 'Seven' behavior-- I'd have a hard time telling you. The character and I are integrated on a lot of levels.

I believe that RP is a great way to explore and develop various parts of your personality. I learned almost everything I know about business from running in character businesses. I integrated that with my personality.

Seven has no problem haggling. Brendan does. Though haggling with Seven has made me a better haggler and more comfortable haggler in real life.

As a GM I get the chance to play a multitude of characters across various aspect of the game. It's something that I truly missed when I 'retired' for several months. It's one of the reasons I came back.

I like having long term story lines that are slow burns that involve my characters (even when I'm not playing them-- some of you know what I mean!) while at the same time playing one-off characters on a semi-regular basis. So I tend to shelve Seven or Lansing for long periods of time and play a new character until that character is either killed, leaves the city, or gets vacationed while I play Seven.

That's how Lansing was for a long time. I'd play Seven for 6-12 months. Take a vacation from him and play Lansing. Or, on occasion, play both of them at the same time when they wouldn't interact with each other and there was RP on both sides of the game to be done.


Q: Can I pee on you? When is the !%^^T$^(!$$!^'ing Matrix coming?

A: On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being very very straight and 10 being very very gay, and 5 being Bi-Sexual. I am like a 3.8.

As for the Matrix-- Find out in game baby!

Q: If my foot isn't a foot long, is it still actually a foot long anyways since it's a foot?

A: It's all relative. Subjectively, your foot is a foot long. Objectively, your foot may not be what is commonly referred to as 'a foot'.

Q: What brought about the creation of Sindome? I mean, where did the idea for the game come from and how was it brought into fruition?

A: Sindome has been around since 1997 and I have been around since 2002-2003. What I'm about to say should be taken with a grain of salt as it's just what I have -heard- and been -told-. I did not experience this personally.

Sindome was created when there was a rift between some of the staff/players of another Cyberpunk MOO. Creative differences and such.

As for the idea for the game-- well, the game isn't what it was when I first started playing though the general theme has remained much the same (something I am in part responsible for and proud of!). It's been the players that have developed the game into what it is. The game code and the staff are just part of a framework for creating a live, evolving themely cyberpunk world. It's the players and their contributions and roleplay that have made Sindome what it is today.

And lots and lots of hard work from admin/coders/staffers/gms/contributers such as yourself and everyone else on the BGBB!


favourite club in red? (your personal fav, not a characters')

Q: favourite club in red? (your personal fav, not a characters')

A: Personally-- #1 Carnal Desires, #2 Orifice, #3 Reds Finest

The rest are 'bars' as far as I'm concerned.

Who's been your favorite character to RP with, and why is it Trancer?

Real question, did Seven and Trancer ever RP together much? Maybe it's all the brain cells I've killed with whiskey, but I honestly don't really remember how much they crossed paths back in the day.

What have been the most frustrating and rewarding moments you've experienced as either a player or GM?
Q: Who's been your favorite character to RP with, and why is it Trancer?

A: AIkao. Hands down. 100%. Forever. Then Zander/Null Void/Zsolt and then Ari Franks, because he is the last character to truly best one of my characters and he was so fun to hate

Q: Real question, did Seven and Trancer ever RP together much? Maybe it's all the brain cells I've killed with whiskey, but I honestly don't really remember how much they crossed paths back in the day.

A: I want to punch your face right now. They were like, super close friends, dick. You don't remember when we straight up MURDERED [[REDACTED OLDBIE THAT OWNS THAT [[REDACTED]] with Trancer disarming his ass and Seven kamikazing him with a katana?

They weren't besties or anything, but we did RP a good deal over the years.

What is your fondest RP memory?
I'm sorry! God I really should start drinking less.

Lots of love to you, you've given a lot back to the game and community, I'm glad we've still got you around.

Q: What have been the most frustrating and rewarding moments you've experienced as either a player or GM?

A: PLAYER FRUSTRATING: My most frustrating moments were after Trancer and Seven killed [[REDACTED]] and King Moss (going by another name) took issue with this and proceeded to give Seven the ultimatum of paying back the gear cost or being killed over and over and over. Seven choose to tell Moss to fuck off and was killed, over and over and over and over. This was frustrating because #1 my character was killed 30+ times over a few weeks and #2 due to timezone differences my ace kool (Aikao) was never around to set up a proper ambush. Still, it played a big hand in developing my character and 'besting Moss' was a big motivational factor for a lot of stuff he did to prepare over the years for Moss's eventual return.

PLAYER REWARDING: A certain someone (who may or may not be the one who asked this question) had a character who betrayed my character. I did not ICly or OOCly see it coming, to the point where I was still trying to SAVE the character that betrayed my character, and was totally missing that the betrayal had happened. I can't really detail it here, because it's still IC info. But it's a story that has been told several times ICly.

GM FRUSTRATION: Biggest GM frustration is dealing with people who have very different expectations of the game than what the game is designed to provide or the GMs are capable of providing.

GM REWARDING: I really enjoy pulling the rug out from players and really punching them in the feels. The long con. Setting up big plot and then factionalizing it and setting friends against friends without them really even knowing it until it's too late. Global RP that gets everyone involve on some level is really rewarding to me. I like seeing RP trickle down. I like mystery. I like making characters make difficult choices and putting them in situations that are likely to make them uncomfortable ICly (and probably OOCly). I like massive reveals and OH SHIT / HOLY FUCK moments.

I had the pleasure of getting to know you, especially during my earlier times on the game. Felt you were a nice guy and thought you were a friend, within the bounds allowed by player-staff separation. So, that's a kudos for you!

Related question, since we can ask -anything-. You and I have ended up role-playing a lot together, either through your storytelling or your characters (more so Lansing). Do any of *my* characters, present one aside, stand out in your mind as having been enjoyable for you to watch/GM for/role-play with?

Q: What is your fondest RP memory?

A: This is my oldest and fondest memory of Seven. IC details no longer relevant. When Seven first arrived in the city, he was starting a small player gang to like, take over the drug trade in the city. Part of his plan was to rob Doc McClure, a ripper/cyber/medical doc @ Fuller Med and take his drugs.

Seven was hanging out in Carnal Desires and McClure came in. He saw Seven, and cackled. Seven followed him outside to beat his mother fucking ass.

Aikao was waiting.

A fight ensued, Seven pulling a Blade and Aikao being so fucking bad ass he just ANNIHILATED him with his bare hands. Like, brutally. It wasn't anywhere close to close.

They put him in the FSMC ambulance, McClure ripped his SIC so he couldn't call for help and they tortured and interrogated him for close to an hour. He didn't give up his friends. In the end, Aikao offered him a job. It was the start of a lasting and profitable (if not blood) friendship.

It was my 'Hard Welcome' to Withmore. One of many I have experienced (though normally I'm on the giving end of it these days).

How often do you name your characters after shit on your desk?
Q: You and I have ended up role-playing a lot together, either through your storytelling or your characters (more so Lansing). Do any of *my* characters, present one aside, stand out in your mind as having been enjoyable for you to watch/GM for/role-play with?

A: I enjoyed RPing with Thorne. I thought the friendship they had was enjoyable and I would have liked to pursue it more if I had had the time to do so. I was very busy GMing at that point and my alt-RP took a hit.

In your book (and hopefully future stories) - does the game influence your writings or does your writings/ideas influence the game or is it a bit of both?
Q: How often do you name your characters after shit on your desk?

A: I used to smoke Parli Ment's and own the DVD Sever vs. Ecks as well as a Qosmio computer with a Kensginton charger. My original admin name was supposed to be Silver (as in Bicardi) but there was a typo (of course) and it became Sliver. It then became Slither (an evolution, I believe, though the movie Slither came out around that time and definitely had an influence). I drank Ruby Red grapefruit juice at some point as well.

Q: In your book (and hopefully future stories) - does the game influence your writings or does your writings/ideas influence the game or is it a bit of both?

A: Recombination takes place in the same universe as Sindome. The game definitely influences my writing, the theme and the characters. There are characters from the game (earlier versions of them) in Recombination, which is set in 2085.

It is also the flip-side where I delve into areas of the universe that have not been fully developed and use that development to influence the current Sindome world. Like, developing various other locations (such as Miami and Boston) and speculating on Migrant Workers and Switchgrass.

Regarding your experience as Head GM for several years.

How long does it take to train a new GM? Why don't we have more?

A more casual line of questioning.

Are you currently playing any ALTS? Yes? No? Why?

How many hours a week are you logged in SD? (Counting GM/Coding/Playing/Whatever)

When is your second book coming out?

When will we have an audio book of recombination?

Q: How long does it take to train a new GM? Why don't we have more?

A: That really depends on a variety of things including the GM. We usually try to tap players that have been playing the game at least 6 months. In the past it was at least 2 years. The growth of the game has caused us to have to tap newer players that have had less over all experience in the game and therefor need more training.

We have admin-side documentation that I have written to help the process along and we are constantly iterating our training practices so that the next GM hopefully gets better and more thorough training than the GM that came before.

However, in practice this presents a very large challenge because we tend to take on GMs that have availability in areas where we do not currently have GMs or are lightly staffed, meaning that their training must be done by older GMs during the time that older GMs and the new GM are available. This leads to a some what off the cuff / ad hoc / as available training regiment (outside of the first few days where there is some pretty intensive training).

In general for a new GM to get the gist and be independent enough to work on their own without direct supervision it usually takes about a month.

However, don't get it twisted. I still run into things every day that I need to ask about, or train GMs that have been around for years on. The game is very large and no one person, Johnny or Jinx or myself included has a full knowledge of everything.

Q: Are you currently playing any ALTS? Yes? No? Why?

A: I am not currently playing any alts. I am mostly just training new admin, working on the website, fixing bugs, doing general administration and light puppeting. This is due to a lack of time on my part.

Q: How many hours a week are you logged in SD? (Counting GM/Coding/Playing/Whatever)

A: Currently, it is not a ton. Maybe 10-20 hours. That's not including time I spend off-moo working on Sindome things though. I monitor the facebook, I have a Sindome e-mail account and the admin have a Sindome Staff chat that is off-moo that we keep each other up to date on. I also spend time working on things that benefit Sindome like the Cyberpunk Podcast, and doing Player Perspective Podcasts, writing documentation, posting on the BGBB, answering e-mails, talking with players about the universe on Skype, hanging out with players IRL and discussing game issues, all that. I would say Sindome is on my mind 2-4 hours a day, everyday. On days I am extremely available (such as today) I end up on the MOO all day, which definitely adds to the total hours. In the past, during the times I was Head GM or coding very actively, and also playing an Alt, it was more like 10-12 hours a day, 5 days a week (minimum).

Q: When is your second book coming out?

A: I have plans for it, and have written a tiny bit, but I promised myself I wouldn't move on to the second book until I had fully established and marketed the first one. I still have more marketing to do, and would like to see the book get more exposure before I move on to the second one. When I do move on to the second one I expect the process to be much shorter. I will devote a large amount of time over the course of 2-4 weeks to writing the book. Send it out to people for feedback. Do a round of editing on content and then have it professional edited (for grammar and such since I will have xslither'd all over it). Or, I may write and send out chapters for review / revision as I go. Either way I expect the total turn around on the next book to be between 2-6 months. And I don't expect to start it for real, for at least a couple more months.

Q: When will we have an audio book of recombination?

A: I've considered it. I would love to read it myself. I enjoy reading out loud and it would be a good experience for me, even though I would have a bit of trouble doing some of the voices. Perhaps I wouldn't do the actual voices, perhaps I would. I don't know how campy it would be for me to be doing Zenigra, for instance.

Hopefully I have some time / got this in under the wire:

There are many thing you could do. I read above your most rewarding RP, favorite / frustrating player/GM moments, but, what keeps you here? What is it that draws you to *this* particular group & game.

I've found a great many neat people and characters here and juggling real life with this is a skill. So, what drew you to this MOO and what has kept you here? What is it about SD in particular you so love, if that's the term? (Or love / hate relationship if that works.)


Q: There are many thing you could do. I read above your most rewarding RP, favorite / frustrating player/GM moments, but, what keeps you here? What is it that draws you to *this* particular group & game.

I've found a great many neat people and characters here and juggling real life with this is a skill. So, what drew you to this MOO and what has kept you here? What is it about SD in particular you so love, if that's the term? (Or love / hate relationship if that works.)

A: Sindome was my first MOO. It helped shaped what I expect from games. It was RPI (Role Play Intensive / Enforced). There were active and interesting characters. As an ENFJ I find that I am often capable of being manipulative but in my normal, day to day life, I do not wish to be. On Sindome, I have found a creative outlet for some of my... darker desires. It's a place where the manipulative side of myself that I tend to dampen down or downright ignore, is not only welcome, but viewed as a positive. Screwing people over is good RP. Being a prick is compelling. Being selfish is the norm. Being a bad-ass is expected.

Sindome, in part, is a creative outlet for me. It rolls together many of my hobbies (Role playing, writing, reading, game development, coding, website development, project management, community) in a way that I really enjoy.

I've tried to quantify exactly what I get out of Sindome and why it keeps me coming back but there are so many different aspects of the game that appeal to different parts of me in so many different ways. From being able to develop Strategery as an IC mini game or describing a new area (Free Sky) or developing a compelling character (Seven) or managing a team (the GMs) or coding new things that players use (a lot of things)... I love helping bring the world to life in any and every way I can.

Cooperative Competition!

I can understand that.

This is my first MOO too. And I share that it rolls several hobbies into one. It is appealing in several areas.

Have fun! :)

As I understand it things are thought out and discussed among admins and decisions are made with the best interest of everyone in mind (go figure!)

What do you do when despite the hints and nudges a player takes a different path from the optimal one out of dedication to how their character would react? It seems like there's contradicting advice between adjusting your character as needed for everyone's fun versus sticking to the way you think your character would act. Maybe sometimes different people have different opinions on how a character would react?

How do you feel about the split between topside and the mix, what is the current purpose of the badlands, and are there still too little people to have interesting plots on all sides or is there something else at work?
What’s your favorite? Food, Car, Book, Movie/TV Show, Color, Band/Music, Ice-cream flavor, Animal and Pornstar.

If you were to spend the rest of your life in a deserted island what one thing would bring with you?

If you were to visit the Wizard of OZ, what would you ask him for?

Q: What do you do when despite the hints and nudges a player takes a different path from the optimal one out of dedication to how their character would react? It seems like there's contradicting advice between adjusting your character as needed for everyone's fun versus sticking to the way you think your character would act. Maybe sometimes different people have different opinions on how a character would react?

A: I think it's important to be true to your character. However, that does not involve being a dick. Let me give you an example. Seven is, based on his actions, not a nice person. He would happily MURDER an entire family tree just to prove a point / punish someone for their actions. (I'm being objective here) He is probably a somewhat bad person, at times. One time, he was at the drome and this giant dude came in acting all tough (he was a newbie and I OOCly knew that). He broke a bottle over Seven's head. Seven dragged him outside and killed him. He didn't have a clone.

I was told by Jinkorei, the Head GM of that time (this was before I was an admin) that that behavior was bad for the game. It was being an asshole. At the time I hadn't been trying to be an asshole. There were people watching. This guy just bottled the King Snake in front of the Snakes. It seemed obvious what should happen. That was me playing true to my character while at the same time-- this new player who was being true to their character ended up having to re-roll because I didn't consider that I wasn't playing a 1 player game.

I think it's possible to both be true to your character and not make the game un-fun or more difficult to OOCly enjoy for other people.

Put in that same position again I'd have probably forgone beating the guys ass and instead had one of the prospective snakes beat him down as initiation. Or had a new blood prove themselves by beating him down. Then I would have told the guy he worked for me now, given him chy to get some brass knuckles and gear and told him that he was on the winning side. Muscle like that might be cheap, but loyalty is hard to come by.

The moral of the story is that it's possible to stay true to your character while also OOCly considering the nature of the interaction you are having and adjusting your play style to suit the level of play and experience of the person you are interacting with.

If you'd like to give a more specific (general) example, I am happy to address ways in which a style of character could maintain their immersion while at the same time OOCly taking into account the other players in the game and their OOC fun.

Q: What’s your favorite? Food, Car, Book, Movie/TV Show, Color, Band/Music, Ice-cream flavor, Animal and Pornstar.

Food: Wings

Car: Camaro. 89 IROC-Z. Though the new ones are pretty sweet.

Book: Anything by Richard K. Morgan

Movie: Back to the Future (Trilogy), Star Wars, Die Hard, The Matrix, Equilibrium, Scott Pilgrim

TV: Supernatural, SoA, True Blood, Newsroom, Continuum, Vampire Diaries, Originals, Teen Wolf, House of Cards

Color: Green (Snake Turf Bitches)

Band: ICP

Music: Classic Rock / Older rap

Ice Cream: Coffee

Animal: Kitty

Porn star: I like amateur porn.

Q: If you were to spend the rest of your life in a deserted island what one thing would bring with you?


Q: If you were to visit the Wizard of OZ, what would you ask him for?

True Love.

And then he'd be all YOU HAD IT ALL ALONG DUMBO.

In retrospect, I think I've been a rotten player in the past. How would you rate some of my past characters in terms of RP?
I have no idea who you play. Though, subjectively rating your past characters in a public forum is not something I am super comfortable with. If you'd like to speak with me privately about your characters / play style and get some constructive feedback I would be happy to talk with you. Feel free to email me. slither ate (cuz he fat)
Least Favorite Tapa: Raw Beef

I always seem to order this tapa because I miss the part where it's raw beef.

Reopening this thread as it hath been over a year. Please, feel free to AMA yo.
Who do you miss more? Fack or his inspiration?

What improved your RP while playing him and what made him so enjoyable?

I don't remember what the inspiration for Fack was. Do you? I feel like he was kinda Vin Diesely? Or Mike Tysony. He was really a product of the things that happened to him on his first night in Withmore.

It was really hard playing Fack because he was a thug and despite being fresh out of chargen he was able to beat up older characters due to the way grapple was at the time.

Playing him was enjoyable because he simply did not give a fuck. He was on a mission of revenge because of things that happened to him his first few hours in Withmore and that is all he cared about and he did not care if he died for good if he caused some harm (and if I created some RP).

Amazing thread, thank you. I once had the pleasure (and the IC distaste) to "interact" with your character, who was alongside my character's nemesis. It was a frightening experience that will forever influence my character's past and the shape of his personality.

I have a couple of questions. Thank you beforehand for answering.

1. As a GM, do you constantly have to get "in touch" with other player's characters? Understanding their emotions, feelings, desires, fears, experiences... basically OOCly getting to know them, as if they were your own? if so, how do you do it and how does it help to create plot hooks for them?

2. Currently, who are some of your favorite characters that you have observed as a GM?

I have one question:

Why on earth did you feel compelled to give me a taxi ride? That was strange.

1. As a GM, I either find plot hooks by touch, or I see them a decent amount of time in advance, and then reap them when a player enters the garden so to speak. I prefer to get in touch with characters by roleplaying with them as opposed to watching them or reading their notes. Roleplaying with them (via NPC or PC) makes them real, breathing creatures to me.

2. Tricky tricky. I don't play favorites. My favorite NPCs are Huo and Juicy Vee though :)

3. That's an IC question and you should ask my character that ICly :)

When I came back, you said that my character's death(sometime around 2008?) was still affecting Seven to this day, is this true? :)

Also, do you know how that character actually died, both the IC and OOC reason?

It is indeed true. Seven has had many allies over the years. Many less friends. And many less close friends. When he thinks about the people he has lost, that character is one of those that he remembers, and this makes him sad.

I may have at one time known OOCly how your character died, but I don't know that Seven ever knew. And I don't remember OOCly how it happened after all these years. I tend to keep Seven's memory in one part of my brain and my OOC knowledge from being an admin in another.

-Besides your novel, has SD spurned other artistic projects in you?

-What type of things motivate you to play Seven (or any other character) after all these years?

-What's your favourite beer brew?

Besides my novel, Sindome has spawned many projects!

Back when AIM was still a thing I wrote an AIM client that looked and functioned exactly like the SIC.

I've written several short stories set in the SD universe. Storm Code and Mercy are on the website and I'm working on a new one, and a new novel.

I played a character in a LARP called FourTwenty which was a Cyberpunk ARG/LARP hybrid. He was called CK and was heavily influenced by parts of Seven, like his speech pattern. It was a real life game, and I talked like Seven talks. People thought I was weird at first.

I'm not much of an artist but every now and then I try to draw Sindome stuff.

I've made a compilation of other peoples art for SD and set it to music:

I wrote and performed a bunch of rap songs from Seven's perspective.

Here's one:

There is also an entire album of songs, all Sindome related:

Seven has his own (not updated recently) Twitter:

I run a Cyberpunk blog and record a Cyberpunk Podcast:

Umm.. I think that covers that...

I like the roleplay a lot, that's why I play these characters for a long time. They become a part of me. They get my creative juices going. These days I enjoy telling stories with Seven and pushing the story forward over all. He takes a backseat in most RP but every now and then I get to kick a door down and be a bad ass. I love moments like that. A lot of what keeps me going is keeping the memory of all the RP and all the characters I've experienced alive, from the point of view of my own character. He's a living tribute to everyone who has played the game.

Favorite Beer: I don't drink much anymore but I have always enjoyed milk stouts!

I'm leaving this on both AMA's up at the moment because I know i could benefit from some advice in this area and i hope others could, too. What, to you, makes a good @note? What kind of info should it contain or not contain. How much info? What tends to grab your attention? Or annoy you? Be as elaborate as possible, please.
Be clear, concise and straight forward.

If you are writing a note as your character, OK, that is subjective.

If you are writing a note from your point of view, it should be as objective as possible.

Do not write huge long notes. Ain't nobody got time for that.

Use a template.

(Body Content Paragraph)


->Item 1

->Item 2

->Item 3


->Item 1

->Item 2


->Item 1

->Item 2

Thank you, this comes in handy. With time I've slowly begun to be more efficient with @notes (sorry staff) and this is a format I could adopt.
It's basically the format we take on the admin side.
Why are you so bad at picking character names despite being such a renowned GM?
President Mug and General Alexa, speaking from Red Rock at the Macbook Air bunker, reject with your premise.
Reviving for 2018 since it's been a year and a half.
Why are you so handsome?

Serious Q) (I tried searching for this so sorry if re-post) What made you want to become a GM / Staffer for Sindome, what was it that made you interested to be part of the team and do you still feel the same way after all these years?

I found Sindome in 2003 after getting super annoyed with The Matrix Online. I wanted a cyberpunk game I could really get into and my googling led me to Sindome. After numerous false starts and being a headache to the admin, I finally got the hang of things and started playing Seven. I had a lot of IC mentors (Aikao, Nicadeamus) and OOC mentors as well throughout my journey.

I started coding a cybeprunk mud with Saedan called Straylight Run which was very similar to Sindome in basically all the ways that mattered. That's where I learned to code in MOO. After a while Aikao became an admin and I really wanted to join as a coder, and not really as a GM. I didn't want to lose the mystery of the game. I joined and started learning the ropes and obviously started GMing... as well as coding, while I earned enough trust to be allowed to touch the code.

After becoming a GM I realized that to some extent, I had already been GMing, just from the player side. I was creating RP, I was running plots that I'd made up myself. And I figured I could do that on a larger scale.

I don't regret it for a second, though sometimes I do wish I could go back to the days of mystery when I didn't know how the game worked and there were surprises around every corner :)

Why're you so attractive? And, can I slide into your DMs?
Oops. I just read that part about notes. Mine sometimes get a bit long.. but it's because I realised I rely on them for information in the past (I have a terrible memory as a player, worse than my character should have). I'll try to keep them simple so as not to frustrate the GMs and just keep my own notes on my desktop.

Thanks for sharing yourself with us :)

@Janee That's very nice of you to say, but, I am also in a relationship :)

@DiamondNine You're welcome!

When playing alts, how did you stay fair, both ICly and OOCly, despite having intimate knowledge of how the game works? Was it difficult to do?

What advice would you give new players who seem to get stuck or overwhelmed by the conflict in the game? Assuming they desire to improve and progress, rather than give up, of course.

I played my alts to theme and if I ever had meta info that related to my character, for instance if I became aware someone was trying to set me up, I would make sure I put myself in whatever trap they set for me, since that was the only fair choice. This led me to be very careful to stay away from meta information. Also, to my characters dying a lot.

The advice I would give to new players would be to watch the training videos and read all the help files and bgbb topics we have. Then move on to the grid and read all the topics there.

"After numerous false starts"

How many sacrifices were made?

Ten at least in the first few days.
What's the most badass thing you've seen happening in SD, that was entirely done by PCs?
What has been your favorite thing to be involved in in the game, in whatever terms you can explain it? I get not giving IC info, but I am curious what your favorite era/character/basic idea of a plot you've been part of.

The most badass thing I've seen happening in SD...

That's really tough. There have been so many badass moments. Anytime someone has betrayed my character without me being aware it was going to happen... man, that's the best. Can't go into details but Seven tells these stories ICly occasionally.

My favorite thing with the game is the collaborative story telling. I love watching the world grow and evolve over time and for people to slowly work their way into legends.

Obviously with specifics aside, what's the most difficult decision you've had to make as an admin?

What aspect of the game, whether theme-related or code-related, do you feel is getting the shortest shrift, and what can we do about it?

top ten favorite mix "bad guys" Go!