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- Knyghtskye 1m
- Lena 29s Yippee Ki-Yay
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a Kard 2h
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- Baphomei 6m
- Baguette 52s waow
- Bruhlicious 6h Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
- Emily 35s Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 1h Doing a bit of everything.
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Deliver the CRATE to SHACK in JUNKYARD

Hey all, tried to deliver the crate first to Buddy in Kro's Auto Shop, he Gave it back, I tried to leave it in the junkyard and it didn't work. I tried to go back to buddy and before leaving again the angel on my shouldertold me I should give the crate first before leaving. Im kinda stumped on how to deliver it. Help Please.
Have you tried asking in-character?
Buddy doesn't tell me anything, I don't think I have sicnal either to ask but Im guessing I shouldnt ask there, I tried ooc because I didn't know how to connect to the xgame chat chan
Why do you think you shouldn't ask on SIC?

xgame is still OOC. The question you're asking is IC in nature. This isn't the type of question that Game Help would be able to help you with. You'll have to look around and find out in-character or ask somebody. SIC is the most immediate resource for asking questions IC but if you're avoiding it for whatever reason you'll have to find an in-game alternative.

You can type @xlisten game-help to connect to Game-Help, however, should you need to use it.

Worth a quick mention, I usually say that an NPC is 'busy' if they don't answer. A non-answer usually boils down to the staff responsible for that NPC (it can vary) are busy or otherwise unavailable, and no script is set up for anything you said. So something like, "Hey, this guy is busy. Can you tell me this thing?" is a good starting point for any question you'd ask an NPC but have to ask of someone else.
It sounds like your angel mis-informed you because Buddy ALREADY told you, "I'm not the one you should be giving this to."
Just came back to the game and I don't know where the crate is! My character got tired or something and put it down, I tried searching for it and it wasnt found.
Once again, this is an entirely IC problem you are facing, and this is an OOC bitch board. If you have further problems with finding things IC, ask IC to solve the problem.
People IC are not going to be able to explain, IC, why this character threw away their crate after the coded time allowed ran out. The fact that there is a time limit is OOC and fine to discuss on the OOC forum. Though, xgame is probably more immediately helpful.
Hey there,

You must've already figured this out but you need to find the right person to give it to.

Also, use the in-game help that is available. IC you can use the signal as Euclid mentioned.

OOC, xgame (game-help) is more for game commands and such but we try to help you how we can there though we can't give IC stuff away.

Doing things and asking about things IC'ly will help generate some RP.

Also, if you use the SIC signal, you're more likely to get some advice (good and bad and even snarky sometimes) faster than talking to an NPC. GM's get busy (and need sleep too).