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- BigBiscuit 33s
- baewulf 3m
- Aida 3m
- AdamBlue9000 1m Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
a Mench 10h Doing a bit of everything.
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Merry Christmas ya filthy animals
Or happy holidays if we gotta be neutral, Yknow

I generally hate people that make these posts- But eh its the holiday season!

Well, Where to start.

I've not been playing Sindome for years like some, or for a long time at all, all things considered- But I'm gonna own up to something. I came to Sindome purely because I had read all the negative reviews about how sh*t it was, I came to this community with a really negative view- Though I never really pushed it onto others, I wanted to see for myself if the game was awful.

Holy shit- Were the reviews wrong. I've been here for a few months now and I have to say I'm not sure I've ever loved a community more than this one, In no way is it perfect- But thats half of the charm. I've got to know the city of Withmore and its people, that proved to be one of the best gifts I could have gotten this year- The style of the game and the culture in the game have yet to stop amazing me. Hell- I remember the first time I saw the death text, I couldn't help but share my praise for the writing. The game can be upsetting and frustrating at times- But there is always something amazing to marvel at here- Good or bad. I've been lucky enough so see the game grow a little and It's been amazing to see.

So I want to say a big thank you to everyone here,

The people I have had the pleasure to RP with- I'm sure I'll always be in awe or you, I can't give names but if you figure it out- Thank you for all the laughs and frustration!

Merry Christmas!

Celebrating the 24th here in Sweden! :D

To the people On the OOC-chat and Free-chat, You are some of the funniest people I have ever met- I've been drawn out of my bad moods with all the sarcastic bullshit and the terrible -terrible- jokes more than once- So thank you <3

Finally- To the admin team-

I came to sindome with a bad view on the admins- I wont pretend I didnt. But christ were people wrong, They're not perfect- But they deserve this. When I first came here I was a very slow learner- I broke a lot of things, The patience shown to me by the team was absolutely ridiculous- I can only imagine how frustrating their days can be- I have a lot of respect for -all- of them- They've been so helpful and some have even made me smile- Thank you for everything you do. <3

Becoming a part of this community has honestly been the best gift I could have ever asked for and I hope to keep playing for a long ass time. I hope you all have kick-ass holidays- But for anyone who's struggling this year- When you're going through hell keep going, Theres always something to fight for.

With everything said, Much love, Merry Christmas- And as always...Walk safe! x

Ain't safe inna Mix, chummerlummer!

And agreed, the staff are great.

Merry Krimmus! I am constantly laughing and saying "These people are fucking retarded" whenever I rp here and watch people exchange insults in-game. OOC'ly you guys are so sweet and wonderful. 💖 We've been through a lot and another year's come and gone. Here's to many more!

Merry Christmas to all of you amazing people. Cellebrating the 24th here as well.

I started playing Sindome early January this year, as such I am nearing my first year anniversary. During that time I've seen so many up and downs, making chums, heartache, challenges, success, failure, and death, but I've never been so compelled to keep coming back for more.

Merry Christmas Sindome, to another happy year of RPing!

I started playing Sindome early January this year, as such I am nearing my first year anniversary. During that time I've seen so many up and downs, making chums, heartache, challenges, success, failure, and death, but I've never been so compelled to keep coming back for more.

Merry Christmas Sindome, to another happy year of RPing!

Wishing a warm and safe holiday, if you celebrate one, to you all. I'm starting to feel old, and SD has been there for me through many trying and lonely years, even though I havent always been the easiest person for staff to deal with or the greatest roleplayer. There are a lot of new faces lately -- I hope it can be a rich and rewarding place for you as well, and I hope the new year is a good one to you all. Walk safe.
Happy Holidays!

I've only been playing a few weeks, but it's been a blast. I've always loved text adventures (never got around to playing MUDs until now), but I never would have imagined that a game like Sindome would be the most immersive gaming experience I've had!

I was also almost turned away by the negative perception surrounding this game's community, but it's been one of the most healthy, helpful online communities I've encountered!

Hope everyone has a fun and safe Christmas!