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Owned half of red in X days...
I don't get it

I have been reading over a variety of posts that talk about how to be successful in Sindome (aka have fun creating engaging stories) and I have ran into a common theme.

RP is more important and potent that UE.

This is great and I believe it for the most part. It is inspiring in a vague kind of way.

At the same time I have read statements written in support of this that come down to something like "There was this one character that pretty much owned half of Red X days after immigrating." This is where I start to frown in confusion and get lost. I just don't see how! I want to. I get all excited when I read these things but I have no idea how it is even possible.

I mean, a new character has little UE, little money, no contacts, and a general lack of information. How can one go from this to being a badass in just a few days via roleplay? How do they even know who to talk to? How do they get others to invest in them? How can they get things done? I just don't see it!

Not to complain but my most recent character is four weeks old and they are still largely a nobody. They have learned the names of a few other characters, scored a job and the like but that's about it. I find myself wondering, what could I have done differently to make my experience more like those I read about on the boards? What am I doing wrong?

What I try to do:

- Get out. If I think I will have more than an hour of playtime available, I get out. I hang in my place of work. I hang on the streets. I run crates. I ride the lev. I go to bars/restaurants/gyms/places.

- I try to stick around a bit when I see other characters present. Not so long that it is odd but long enough to give things a chance to start up.

- Reach out to other characters, especially when we seem to have a common interest.

- Explore new places.

What I think holds me back:

- I have a hard time finding a good IC goal for my character. Something concrete and actionable. I keep searching but have been trying to jump on as a supporter in another character's goal until I can come up with something solid of my own. Even when I do think of something (usually something fairly unimaginative and lame) I feel that my character is so weak, and so lacking in contacts and information that there is no way to get it done.

- I know that UE and money shouldn't mean much but I get scared to think that I might lose some of what I have earned. It feels like I have so little that losing anything would be a huge setback. I continuously strive to get past this on a daily basis.

- I suck at hanging around an chit-chatting. It's not my thing and it is hard to run a character who does this. At the same time it makes it hard for my character to develop contacts I think. How can they trust him enough to bring him in and involve him if they don't know him?

- Finding an IC way to say "I just really want to help you do your awesomeness right now because I suck at coming up with creative goals on my own" to another character in an IC way.

Suggestions without being too IC for what you believe are your shortcomings.

- Lose your stuff! Unless you truly die, you can always get stuff back. Save money to be able to get backup supply sets of your choosing, etc. Losing stuff can lead to RP to get it back or get new things, especially when its one of kind.

-While hanging around in bars etc is a good idea for getting contacts, its not the only way. Get friends on SIC, the grid, etc. You can contact them at any time and that makes networks to work through.

-Get on other peoples goals. Either ride them out, help them get the goal, maybe they'll help you or sabotage and take the goal for yourself. Just because its not your goal doesn't mean it -can't- be yours.

-If you have trouble coming up with your own goals, start small. 'Today, I'm going to meet one new character.' ' Today I'm going to try to start a crew' 'Today I'm going to get in the good graces of X faction'. From there, expand. You're friends with a faction? See if they will support a goal of yours or will offer help. Got a crew and you want to start a business? Toss ideas with them. Pool resources. Cover each others backs. But start small. Wanting your end goal to be a colony spaceship with an army on it is -not- obtainable to an immy for a long time if they don't take small steps along the way to make contacts, get resources, helpers, a crew.

Hope this helps and game on!

The characters who own half of Red in X days are not supporters or helpers, they are balls-to-the-wall leaders who can identify a problem, collect assets, and successfully use those assets to solve whatever problem they see.

It takes a lot of familiarity with the game and it's not everyone's cup of tea. These characters add so much to the game, though.

In my opinion, saying that an immy owned half of Red X days after immigration, X being anything less than a few months, is an hyperbole. Progress (in the form of wealth, power, and fame) in Sindome takes time, effort and roleplay. Unless you're willing to invest those three things your character isn't going anywhere. So in terms of "owning stuff" I think they probably mean "owning the game", as in, the character, being an immigrant, is already involved in intense plots, heavy roleplay, complex arches, they're actively participating in alliances, betrayals, and are deeply immersed in the dramatic series that we all seek to make this game an enjoyable experience.

Those players are usually very experienced with the game and know how to involve other players in plots. They have the ability to get other people to do their bidding (creates RP), even if they don't have money (creates more RP), and create player industries of people who work for other people (creates RP). They are not necesarily the most powerful character in the game, because obviously, the moment they step on the wrong toes they can be killed/robbed/permed, but they are indeed influential and create a LOT of Roleplay. And that is much more valuable than being a max-UE thug.

You can involve yourself in the game too. But it'll take effort and guts. Some of the things you're doing are excellent, namely not sitting in your apartment waiting on your ass until something comes to your way. I think it's really good that you've acknowledged what's holding your Sindome experience back. You should find concrete goals that will lead you to dramatic situations even when you know you could die. Yes, you have to pick your fights. But that doesn't mean you'll always pick fights with the weakest ones because you, the player, know you will always win. Sometimes just finding a reason to hate someone who is equally if not stronger than you, and do stuff against them can be the best of the plots, and from which derive a bunch of subplots.

It also helps tremendously to stick to the theme. I've received the impression many different players don't respect the theme as in their character will not do things that they would do, simply because the player feels uneasy about it, or otherwise feels OOC guilt. This includes murdering, killing, cheating, lying to save your own ass, extorting, coercing, etc. etc. All in the name of solving YOUR problems, at the expense of other people. This leads to so much RP. I briefly ran into the same problem playing my first character, but I realized that if you try a more bold approach, you could see different results. It's much more heart pumping than sitting in a bar and talking about how went your boring day at work.

It also majority of the time take a lot of subterfuge, manipulation, persuasion, and a heck of a lot of hustle.. I can at one time achieve one of these.. Those that can master all at once, are the masterminds you seek.. All I can say is.. 'Think outside the box', get imaginative and crazy, play on people or ride coat tails but easily, be the person you think you would need.
I ran into this a lot when I was getting started. Looking back, there was probably some help offered IC that I didn't recognizeat the time. For me, being patient and persistent led to progress.

I decided what line of work my character was looking for, and put myself out on SIC and the grid for it. Then I pursued every rumor about it that I could find. Along the way, I ran crates and tried to talk to every NPC I could find. I joined conversations on the SIC network, according to how my character viewed the city

As previously mentioned, create some challenges for yourself to overcome. Take some time to look at your history and how your character would react to Withmore. Decide you don't like something, or that you love something and have to have it. RP opportunities will generally present themselves from that. Get a solid idea of how you feel about those and @note it. It might fit into a plot that is being developed.

This has now led to a point where I can start to pass some of that back to newer characters, both to repay what was done for me, and to see if they would be useful to me ICly. For me, it's not been a fast game to start, as the curve is a bit steep, but I think I have an idea now of where I'm aiming for now.

Nobody owns anything in Sindome. You either lease real estate from someone or rent, or you squat.

Character progress pertains to UE and your own individual goals.

If you're not progressing it's because you're either not looking in the right places, not trying, or have set goals that are incompatible with your ability as a roleplayer or the game.

Financial gain comes and goes at the whims of other players and NPCs you interact with.

Really it all boils down to getting out there and trying stuff and you'll usually find success if you temper expectations and take interactions for what they are.

e.g, If you go into a conversation wanting to make 200,000 chyen and you walk out with 50K and then get pissed off and burn that bridge. You likely get nothing but a headache, a possible death, and close a door on RP with that person or give them reason to hurt you even more.

So I mean, the real problem people struggle with is coping with the fact that you are rarely going to get exactly what you ask for.

When people DO get what they ask for entirely, they get bored and stop playing. We try not to make a habit out of giving you what you want as you desire it for that exact reason.

Life is a constant struggle. Sindome is no different.

I didn't really mean "own' in the literal sense. More in the sense that one has gained a level of dominance.

I am also trying to view money as something to be spent in the pursuit of a fun story. I am not as hesitant about losing money as I tend to be about losing other things. I get more hesitant when I think about losing days of character development when getting aced. Not paralyzed by it but I find myself hedging a little. Thoughts like "should I really risk getting into crazy when I haven't updated in X days?" Working on this mindset too. Trying to move getting aced into the character development category too.

I think that what Vera, Villa and others have said has helped a bit. Knowing that it can take weeks or even months to get pulled into the fun plots that are all around is good to know. I kept thinking that I was doing something wrong considering how much time I spend out and about and still not really being in on anything much yet. I'll keep it up and work on improving.

I also get what Cerberus is saying. There has to be ups and downs, successes and failures. I am all for that. I have suffered a few minor hardships and look forward to facing more. I am not looking for non-stop success. Not at all.

I guess I was just having a hard time seeing how one could take a fresh character to prominence so quickly and it sounds like it has a lot to do with the player. It sounds like the people who do this are often veteran players wielding fresh characters and that makes a big difference. I am also guessing that their fresh characters have backgrounds that allow them to apply this knowledge of theirs more rapidly than would be possible for the typical new immigrant to Withmore?

Thanks again for the input!

Well to riff off of Vera for a moment, while the power characters add a lot to the game so do background and support characters. I'd even argue that being a good support character is more important then a power character.

I used to play a game which had a really rather interesting feedback system that asked you to classify the character in different categories when you filled out the form. Some of the categories included RP Generators, support/sidekicks, and flavor. The game needs all sorts. Sure Batman is the hero everyone wants to be, but Robin and Batgirl have saved his ass countless times. Aquaman is bad ass but doesn't get the same notoriety. Yet, I assure you, the DC Universe wouldn't look the same.

If you really want to do something great think about it this way: Joker wants to kill Batman. Can Joker just walk up and kill Bats? No. Tried that before didn't work so well. So what does Joker need to do, well he needs a crew, he needs a plan, it would help if he actually knew who batman was... etc etc. Break down your overarching goal into smaller sub-parts. Project Manage the shit out of your character.

You will fail. A lot. Why? Because everyone else is going to have their own goals and some of them are counter productive to yours. Rather than rolling over and saying, "Well I can't achieve this goal," think about how to do it differently.

The problem you mentioned of not being able to do small-talk well, is rough. The problem is most games I have played like this require some level of social interaction. So how about this, find one person each day and ask them about their history, why they came to the dome. Everyone has a history. If they interest you, you just made a friend, possibly with another Immy who is in the same boat as you. Get five people together, form the Justice-League and fight over who gets the distinct honor and privilege of being Aquaman.

Said character used guile and bluffed their way for a long time until they could back it up. You don't need amazing stats if you can convince those with the amazing stats to be on your side.
Said character didn't own "the Mix", as in warlord it over half the sector's turf or landlording property, what they did was "own" as in "fuck over" half the prominent veteran characters who were the Mix's PCs at the time, by acquiring their gear, money and paydata, while meeting a pretty significant personal earning goal, within an extremely short period of time.

They really sandbagged veterans (characters and players) who took the character for what they appeared to be: A powerless, naive immigrant, who was scheming the whole time and left the city without a scratch.

It was done to prove that it could be done.

It certainly sounds awesome. The more I hear about it the more impressed I get. Awesome stuff though far beyond me!

On the very subject of: "You don't think newbies can be successful?" Guardian's immortal words, not mine. And it wasn't a few weeks, I believe the above was accomplished in ten days.

New characters, old characters, what does it matter? UE is a useful tool, much less so than Roleplay.

The story I believe they're referring to is, honestly, less unique then they're making it sound. There are a lot of newbie success stories out there, a lot of approaches to success, and a lot of metrics of success. All you really need to do is take chances. Even if your goals are less tangible than warlording, or money or turf, taking chances is crucial.

Remember in the end, it's not what you have - it's how you earned what you have. Ask yourself if you want a lot of steady, safe money or a much smaller amount of things that you have a -story- for where you took on greater opposition.