Roleplaying games are in essence a means of creating and living a story - rules and systems are there to arbitrate and add elements outside sheer consent to direct the flow of events.
So, how's your character's story going? Is it exciting? If they weren't your character, would you want to watch them on TV or read a comic book about them? No? You want to know why? I'll tell you.
Conflict. Conflict is the crux of any story, of any plot. And it emerges from opposing character motivations and the actions taken as a result. As a player recently put it on OOC chat, it's the difference between playing Dungeons & Dragons and playing Doughnuts & Dayjobs. Surely you all don't play SD to sit around in bars and essentially do the same shit you do (or should be doing) IRL?
So y'all need to sort out some goals. I don't mean "get a boring ass job as a bartender and move to Green." Getting an unremarkable job and moving to a safe level where nothing happens isn't going to make your character's life any more interesting. Pick some reasonable short term goals, pick some extravagant long term goals, pick one ultimate nigh-unattainable very long term goal - then pour everything your character has into attaining them and find ways to knock down anyone who tries to stop you.
Of course, you could complain "I don't have the UE, I don't have the money, I don't have this, I don't have that." And that's bullshit. You look at any 'famous' characters in-game, people who are known at least by reputation by nearly everyone who's ever played - and they're not the ones who sat around jerking their puds waiting for UE.
I'm talking about people like Allandra, Aikao, Murphy, Seven, Ivan, Rigby, Navarre, Trancer, Gerik, Killian, Volkyre, Lance, Johns, Moss... these are all people who from more or less day one put themselves out there, made shit happen and became key parts of the IC world. I'm betting even the newbies have heard of at least half of these guys - if only by name. All these people have stories to tell you of shit they did or had done to them in-game that you probably wouldn't even believe would happen outside movies and comics, much less in a game. Stuff you'd be interested to hear, even.
There are hundreds of other characters who lasted years and that most players will never hear of because all these players did was sit in their corner and worry about their UE or worry about dying or worry about upsetting people and remained crippled and obscure.
If you're having that much trouble getting a start towards being interesting or you're really chicken, go find an older/richer character (who has actual goals) to work for - sometimes a hero starts out as a lackey. Otherwise strike out, do shit. Stir the pot, piss in the cornflakes, shit in the oatmeal.
You need GM support? Maybe you and your friend want to get ski masks and pistols to stick up the Fallout Shop. Plan your shit out, get your gear together and leave an @note about it. Then we'll see what we can do. Way more likely to get puppets if you @note about it or xhelp in advance than if you xhelp at the last minute when I'm off taking a dump.
This is the stuff that drives the game and makes it exciting and fun. Being besties with everyone and omg trading charm bracelets gets old pretty quick, and also gets you nowhere pretty quick. By all means, have an ally, have two. Have an ally you don't really like but find useful and will sell up the river the second there's a profit in it. Have a secret ally you publicly treat as an enemy to throw people off. Have a scone with your tea.