Reset Password
Existing players used to logging in with their character name and moo password must signup for a website account.
- Naya 2s
- Aida 6s
- Komira 3m
- Bruhlicious 5m Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
- himble 6m
- AdamBlue9000 1m Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
- baewulf 18m
- QueenZombean 5m
- Emily 2h Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 5h Doing a bit of everything.
And 15 more hiding and/or disguised

ToastStunt Programmers Guide
For all you MOO coders out there

Hey all,

If you are currently delving into writing MOO code, or if you are messing around with ToastStunt on your own server, I wanted to point you to the ToastStunt Programmers Guide which I've been working on for a while now. It's fully updated with the help of the primary ToastStunt devs, and has a ton of new / Toast specific information to help you along the way. Check it out. Pull requests are welcome.

-- S