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- Wonderland 24s
- PsycoticCone 44s
- baewulf 1s
- shoesanti 2h
- Kangarat 22m
- AdamBlue9000 0s Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
a Glitch 1h If it's broken, good chance it was me
a Mench 4h Doing a bit of everything.
And 13 more hiding and/or disguised
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Town Hall TOPICS
Per Johnny's Request, Topics Only, No Discussion

This thread is for posting of Town Hall topics and is not a place for topic discussion. Please refrain from commenting on individual topics to keep this thread lightweight. I pulled a list of topics from the other read. Please comment if you would like to throw in or if I missed anything.


Further develop chrome in the game?

Overhaul the grapple system (including fixing NPCs that can grapple but can't codedly be grappled, when it's illogical for them to be able to grapple and not be grappled)?

A 'bodyguard' (sometimes called 'save') ability in combat to pull focus?

For that matter, add NPC bodyguards / hireables?

Put additional details in combat messages? A couple of the styles have far less love than others (shortblades comes to mind).

Implement the Matrix?

Add more fire-based weaponry?

Introduce Vehicle Combat?

Change the Artistry system (a currently frequent abuse case)?

Introduce a 'simplified combat' mode option to streamline the information we see in combat? Also, add more information about injury locations (so we can see where we're injured at a glance) - useful for people escaping a wall of text battle and being able to quickly understand where to RP being wounded and how.

Implement disguises for Disguise users topside? They would avoid their current illegality but be weaker/have downsides, presumably.

Expand on Robotics/Drones.


Can we increase conflict between the Factions?

Revisiting the 'small town' topic, players are still breaking the theme and acting omniscient and not respecting the scale of the population or the city.

Perma-death. Is the concern too distant of a reality? Should anything be changed about how we currently experience death? A go-light option seems popular.

Time spent playing Sindome. How does it correlate with success? How realistic it for a new player to be successful without having much time to spend?

Thank you for compiling all of these. I have created the Town Hall Agenda doc, and added all of this in. We are going to have a lot to cover. If you want to get topics in, now is the time! Please put JUST the topic you want to discuss!

Also keep in mind there will be several options for open discussion where you can raise questions, comments and concerns as well as offer feedback and raise new topics during the meeting if something someone says strikes you!

Thanks everyone for taking the time to write out all these awesome topics for discussion. I'm really excited for this meeting!

Civility in the Game-Help and OOC-Chat channels has taken a distinct turn for the worse recently.

This is not limited to one person or just a couple. It seems like certain members may have triggered some incidents, but it also seems like people are following each other's bad examples and escalating incivility to where I feel I have to use my admin voice to comment on it, daily lately.

Sindome is a game for adults, and we're not interested in barring profanity or anything like that, but personal attacks, belittlement and name-calling are behaviors which I do not want to see on channels which guests, newbies or I personally access.

Let's discuss.

Anyone who feels the need to follow-on to this in the BGBB/forums, open a new topic. Do not discuss it in this one. This one is only for bringing up Town Hall agenda items.

They work great.

But presently there's nothing but severe disadvantages to accepting one out the gate instead of English, and very little advantages to investing a month + of UE into learning them.

Are there plans in the works to / can there be plans to:

- Lessen the learning curve on non-English speaking characters? For instance, make short sentences have a significantly lower chance of being scrambled compared to longer sentences? So you can say, "No" and likely be understood, but you can't say, "I don't think I would like that very much" and have a lower chance of being understood? Or make the UE investment a little less, so that people can start being understood after a few days? As it stands right now, you can be at 60% of the way to fluent, and still not be able to get a sentence out that isn't completely garbled. Or allow key words to always be unscrambled at lower levels? Words like 'no', 'yes', 'chyen' and 'help' which someone who had been studying and practicing English for three 3 weeks would be able to say without someone going, "What? I don't know what you mean by gjaiwegssasewg." when they say "hello".

- Leverage the existing code to provide more opportunities for non-english speakers? Namely opportunities that are only available to those who speak another language? Parts of town like Chinatown or Little Tokyo where you can't speak English and be understood by the NPCs? Race gangs? Multi-language jobs?

Not sure but maybe that should've been in "Saturday, Oct 3rd Town Hall Meeting"?

Two things with Languages:

1, ShinMojo, I like that. I know that accent has to do with not understanding 'yes' 'no' 'hello', but if you have maybe some % in the language, those words automatically translate clearly instead of randomly.

2 - I like the idea about the multi languages and I know in some areas it happens already where some npc's/players speak that language and you won't get help if you don't speak their language.

3 - As I try to remember, if your IQ is high enough when you start, you could start with two languages. I just don't know what 'high enough' means and it's been a while.

So, topic possibility or just idea for the IDEAS bgbb section:

Update to Languages so that if you have above ##% in meaningless, you can still be understood if you use certain, specific words.

Not sure but maybe that should've been in "Saturday, Oct 3rd Town Hall Meeting"?

Two things with Languages:

1, ShinMojo, I like that. I know that accent has to do with not understanding 'yes' 'no' 'hello', but if you have maybe some % in the language, those words automatically translate clearly instead of randomly.

2 - I like the idea about the multi languages and I know in some areas it happens already where some npc's/players speak that language and you won't get help if you don't speak their language.

3 - As I try to remember, if your IQ is high enough when you start, you could start with two languages. I just don't know what 'high enough' means and it's been a while.

So, topic possibility or just idea for the IDEAS bgbb section:

Update to Languages so that if you have above ##% in meaningless, you can still be understood if you use certain, specific words.

Crafty, Johnny requested that we make a separate thread to bulletpoint topics to discussion because that thread had become a scrambling mess of divergent discussion.

This belongs here as it's own thread. This thread is just for that, not for discussion of individual suggestions.


If you want to follow on to someone's addition/request for the agenda list, GO MAKE A TOPIC FOR IT.

This topic is already turning into the clusterfuck which forced Johnny to close the original one.