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Vet Newbie with Earnest Concerns
I want to follow, but it looks a little scary down there

Sindome Community,

New member, and I already feel odd for making my first post in the form of a letter. For a long time I've hovered around this game. The website, the forum, helpfiles, player reviews, checking activity, etc. Just hovering. Creating a profile today and writing this post is the furthest I've gotten in years.

About me. I am old, yet I always lie about my age. I work as an hourly hospitality manager. I play early mornings, and super late at night (with two off-days). I also fill art commissions, illustration work, Freelancing, Advertising, etc. I'm a cartoonist, aiming for my Bachelors in Animation, but until then, I need to eat, live, and seek creative outlets.

I love MUDing and I typically prefer (active) MUDs where Roleplay is heavily enforced. Its my rule of thumb. My spelling is not the best in the world, nor is my grammar, and I always need to rev my engines before getting into character.


Observations, Sindome looks like a MUD that requires (and encourages) commitment, and while I am no stranger to that, I am a little biased when I honestly don't want to be. I have just concerns...cold feet, if you will.

Most of my questions relate to weither (or not) I should stick my head any further down this Rabbit Hole. Because when I find and partake in a MUD I really really enjoy, I sink my teeth into it, growl if someone tries to take it away, and chew till something stops squeaking. Cryptic, m'haps. But, I'm awkward and clingy...

Fun Fact: Last year, I left wonderful RP+PK MUD where I ruled a guild for two years...almost three~♫

Anyway, I need a nudge. Or several nudges. And hopefully no one will judge me for needing it.

Again, questions. And I'm going to skim-off as many as my reservations (and coffee) will allow me. I hope I'm not annoying, or insulting, anyone for it. I apologize if I do.

One thing that bothers me (mostly). The part I've read where: logging out/quitting in the game keeps your character in the game. But you go to sleep, where anyone may rob, or kill you for whatever reason suits them. I'd like some explanation on how to play with the sleeping/logout, because it feels more-so a hindrance then an asset...

On Death and Cloning, and general conduct in-game.

Now, I can understand Sindome's death and cloning process. It feels like it is treated as death in most other RP MUDs. Your body is fully reconstructed from the last moments you update your Cells in the system (minus your chrome). You revive its treated as if, from the moment you updated, the Clone of your Character is where you left off. Memories, etc, etc, etc. A lot of foras addressing that...

So, your Roleplay etiquette. I have read quite a bit on players simply running around killing other players? Regardless of it being possible in the game, cyberpunk or not, how is that so acceptable? I mean, can you NOT kill them instead, thus still making your point? That you're a big, bad, tough guy? I skim over the forums reading that.

I'm trying to understand, if the situation demands it, could the Player just beat a Player Character to near death instead? Again; Cyberpunk or no, isn't there some etiquette when Death for another Player, Cloning or Not, is so detrimental? I treat it as that everyone is heavily invested in their characters, so whats the hubbub?

If the SITUATION calls for it, I am ALL on board for it. But I'm hesitating even more because I waltz up to a thread (several, actually) regarding the fact...PK is amazing when coupled with RP. Conflict is IMPORTANT. But if I believed this MUD was a hack n' slash, I'd have looked somewhere else a looooong time ago.

As for interacting, I'd like a character that can interact in every level, so I can interface with everyone I can get my grubby paws on. How acceptable is such a role, and is it possible? There seems to be a divide, via class relations, when it shouldn't be that difficult for anyone to integrate. Should it? The Administrator's are so engaging with Players, even moreso then I've seen on any MUD. That just really tilts my scales there, though I wonder how much an Admin would help you reach your goals? I have IDEAS on what roles I'd love to involved can I be, exactly?

But yes. Now that I'm here, just what exactly am I diving into?

~Wandering Bovine Samurai

Hey and welcome!

Alright, I am going to do my best to answer your questions. I have been around here for 4 nearly 5 years and hope I can answer everything satisfactorily.

Sleeping: You cannot die in your sleep except in very very specific RP circumstances. I have only died one time in my sleep in game and the player that caused it got a celling for a day or so because it was not the right circumstances and its frowned upon

Robbing is an option, but if you get an apartment, coffin, similar in game and quit in there, it is very unlikely you will be robbed unless again, specific RP circumstances.

Player Killing: Yes, there are ways for you to beat someone near death to teach them a lesson. There are even ways to revive people from death before cloning. Killing is typically a last resort, as quick fast death doesn't give good RP most of the time.

Involvement: You can be as involved as you like. You can be a massive introvert or you can be a socialite face character, talking their way into any situation. The class divide exists but its like any social construct in life - its just guidelines and depending on how you go about it, you can be friendly to both classes without a problem, but if you do other things (find these out IC), it may come with consequences.

Hope I answered everything you needed. A lot of the examples of these things need to be found out IC and once you begin playing will be easily found out. I hope you do decide to join and bring your roleplay knowledge to the game. Its a wonderful experience that allows you to play as much or little as you'd like and still have a fun time

I'd consider myself relatively new to the game as well, I was actively looking over all the tutorials and lore since about a half year ago, but it took me a few months to really start playing actively. At first? Every time I logged out and lost all my chy made me want to quit and burn down the Sindome serverbox location in angered rage. Now? Sleeping is a mechnic I've become used to, it adds to the characters that interact, it makes it feel more immersive. If you're done socializing at the bar and you want to log off? Well now you have to walk home, who knows what you will encounter on the way.. Maybe a dead body, maybe an old friend, maybe nothing. It just makes everything feel more alive, and also forces people to not just stay in one place their whole time playing.

As for inter-class relations, this is a tough one to talk about because I don't want to give anything away. I play a character of a certain class that does have relations with other classes, albeit usually secretive and not announced publically. You can build very tight relations with characters across class lines, but again, don't expect them to treat you equal, and don't expect them to support everything you do. There are obvious divides which make the goals and aims of each class different from each other, but secretive roleplay between both classes actually makes things incredibly fun and dangerous.

Player killing? Personally never dealt with this aside from SHFL. In my time as an immy running around red, to my time now, I've only been beaten up once, and that's because /I/ made the mistake of starting a conflict. Even then, the people who beat the crap out of me made sure to nurse me back to health and warn me to never do it again. I don't think people here are here to PK characters off the bat, as that really restricts creative roleplay that can stem otherwise, and so I wouldn't worry about PK's unless you're actively antagonizing for it.

Hope I helped :D!

Welcome to Sindome. It's a lovely rabbit hole, and I hope that you will take the appropriate pill and join us :)

A lot of the answers to your questions will fall out pretty naturally as you play, I think. Sleeping is much like in the real world. There are places to sleep, and there are places not to sleep. RP will provide you a lot of information on sleeping, cloning, the class divide and such.

For the player killing aspect, there are RP answer to it, as well. You're not required to kill another player if you get in a fight. Not everyone is the kind of asshole who lives only to destroy other characters, so there can be interesting RP develop out of such encounters, as well.

So, jump in and enjoy the fun :)

Sleeping is a feature of the game. If there was no sleeping, then there would be no need for apartments, cubes, and pads, since you really wouldn't need a shelter. I like to think that staff used that as an opportunity to enhance the class divide, as you may sleep in a coffin or in a littered alley in the slums, or you may sleep in a plush, fancy, 3-bedroom apartment in a high-rise topside. Check 'help sleep' ingame.

Most players policy themselves when it comes to death. I've played Sindome for two years and I've seen perma death being a seldom occurence. However death can be pretty common. Death is a great opportunity for roleplay but players don't go around killing others unless they have a very good in-character reason (you wouldn't go around killing people in real life unless those people really upset you, like, killed your puppy). With cloning, death is just a setback in material belongings and memories for your character but nothing you can't overcome. The best characters with historical renown are the ones who died the most, getting shit done ;) Check 'help death' ingame.

When you create a character you need to pick a band: mixers or topside. You can find all the differences between them through common knowledge sources and roleplay. It is pretty much IC information. Withmore has an interesting social structure but it's unique to itself, so you'll need to learn how it works by yourself. Check 'help social_class' ingame.

Have fun.

I'm pleased to meet you, Honest, and glad that you've decided to join the Sindome community.

Your post touched on many points, but I'd like to focus on a couple of them:

PC death: while it's very common on Sindome (especially in the Mix, where violence is pervasive and rampant), I've seen a wide range of punishments; many of which are non-fatal but just as fun (sometimes even more so) to role-play, such as reputation espionage, public humiliation, and minor to moderate physical attacks. People definitely take the opportunity to get creative. And as villa noted, permadeath is relatively rare.

Sleeping characters: the GMs have very strict protocols in place (you can find them elsewhere in the forums) on etiquette regarding sleepers. It's generally uncool to mess with them, excepting a few very specific circumstances, such as expired cubes. There is affordable accommodation available that you'll have to seek out yourself IC, but it certainly becomes easier to manage your character's sleeping body once you've become more comfortable and familiar with the game.

I wish you good luck, and hope you'll have fun.

One thing that bothers me (mostly). The part I've read where: logging out/quitting in the game keeps your character in the game. But you go to sleep, where anyone may rob, or kill you for whatever reason suits them. I'd like some explanation on how to play with the sleeping/logout, because it feels more-so a hindrance then an asset...

Sleep somewhere safe. In a coffin (free to new players for 2 weeks) or in a locked cube hotel room, or in your apartment, etc. Just like you would in real life. Sleep on the streets in real life, you probably get robbed.

So, your Roleplay etiquette. I have read quite a bit on players simply running around killing other players? Regardless of it being possible in the game, cyberpunk or not, how is that so acceptable? I mean, can you NOT kill them instead, thus still making your point? That you're a big, bad, tough guy? I skim over the forums reading that.

Sure. And a lot of people do that, but sometimes you just gotta kill a chummer. That's the game. Most of the people that run around killing everyone are in fact new players coming from hack n' slash MUDs that haven't picked up that this is an RP enforced (RPI) community and that hack n' slash is not going to help them level up faster or make the game more entertaining (less so, obviously). The other threads you saw are mostly from people who got killed, and then went right to the BGBB to complain about it.

I know because wayyyy back in the day, I was one of those people! When you die, you see a very brief glimpse of the RP that took place leading up. You don't know how long a person stalked you, how they might have gained info by buying off your friends, how they had someone tracking your movements and how they struck right when you least expected it-- all you see is some red combat text and then the death scroll and it's so immediate and abrupt and one can't help but feel some bleed and need to vent and so... we get forum posts complaining about stuff like that. I think most if not all people reading this that have spent more than a month or two in game will agree that people running around killing everyone... just doesn't happen without a strong IC reason.

I'm trying to understand, if the situation demands it, could the Player just beat a Player Character to near death instead? Again; Cyberpunk or no, isn't there some etiquette when Death for another Player, Cloning or Not, is so detrimental? I treat it as that everyone is heavily invested in their characters, so whats the hubbub?

See above.

If the SITUATION calls for it, I am ALL on board for it. But I'm hesitating even more because I waltz up to a thread (several, actually) regarding the fact...PK is amazing when coupled with RP. Conflict is IMPORTANT. But if I believed this MUD was a hack n' slash, I'd have looked somewhere else a looooong time ago.

See above

As for interacting, I'd like a character that can interact in every level, so I can interface with everyone I can get my grubby paws on. How acceptable is such a role, and is it possible? There seems to be a divide, via class relations, when it shouldn't be that difficult for anyone to integrate. Should it? The Administrator's are so engaging with Players, even moreso then I've seen on any MUD. That just really tilts my scales there, though I wonder how much an Admin would help you reach your goals? I have IDEAS on what roles I'd love to involved can I be, exactly?

You aren't going to be allowed to be the CEO of a megacorp. It's too much of a power imbalance with other players. Also if you quit, then the GMs need to be able to take over, so in most existing companies and organizations the highest you should expect to climb is second in command, becuase there always needs to be an NPC that can take back over if you perm, quit, or going on vacation. It's just the way of the game, we've learned this the hard way several times.

As for admin help-- you have to help yourself. Most everything on Sindome is attained through RP with other characters and good maneuvering and positioning. Admin present opportunities but we rarely do more than enable and empower. It's up to your character to reach their goals. And most goals are attainable with enough RP. Also, it's important to recognize that if you are generating lots of RP for other people, the admin are going to be more likely to focus on you, because you are yourself, generating RP, and what is the job of a GM than to enable and empower as much RP as possible.

Greets. Really, thanks for being supportive. In a web where the word cringy is common place, I tend to have to put my guard up for asking questions, or making any initiative. Now that I'm awake, and feeling bolder, I have more to ask.



I'm interested in the nanoware and cyberware aspects. Cyberpunk genre, durp, though if you're going to approach anyone (maybe a barkeeper) asking about where and how to acquire them, is there a proper way to ask? How SHOULD you ask about them ICly? I mean to say, without ironically sounding like you're a gitty schoolgirl....

Can I create, like, a character with mecha enhanced gauntlets that break faces?

Also, I hope it isn't giving away mechanics, but I'd love a character that speaks more then one language. Whats the amount of INT I would need (during creation) to at least pick one second language?

I read a fora about melee weapons and range weapons. And while NOT giving away too much, on the mechanics, could someone tell me about them? How vast the weapon selection is? How are you suppose to compare weapons for strength? Do firearms kill automatically, or can you also knockout someone without killing them?

About the world Ingame. What sort of animals exist in the Dome? Can you have a pet of any sort, or can you hunt/capture animals in that particular fashion? I understand the more Privileged folk gain access to REAL MEAT...

Could I...have a pet rat?~♥

Someone here said something about "choosing" to be a Mix or a Corp, but I honestly wouldn't mind picking the grey area. For opportunity sake. We have Red, Green, Blue and Gold levels to the Dome. Do you have to choose a side?

As for states, I understand you gain a bit each day for activity. What about improving skills? I think I missed the helpfile. Is it more acceptable to RP a Stat or Skill improvement, like practicing, or going to the jump, or reading a book?

How advanced are the medical facilities, or the abilities to heal? You can clone with a full new body, but could you lose a limb in a work accident? Or lose an eye permanently, and have no choice but to seek cyberware replacements?



I apologize, I'm excited, and I could go on and on right now...

Those are all things to find out IC. Its alot more fun to find out that way as well. Go jump on in and enjoy!
Those are all things to find out IC. Its alot more fun to find out that way as well. Go jump on in and enjoy!
The best advice I can give is just make a character and go RP. The game doesn't really ask anything of you except that you stay IC until you start taking on responsibilities.
As was already said, that's a lot of questions that a character would have for good reasons. If you're worried about having your character look dumb for not knowing what feels like basic stuff, remember that the circumstances and technology of Withmore are out of the norm. The world is built with this in mind, it's not strange for a new character to be lost on anything that doesn't fall under common sense interactions between humans, like how you don't spit in the face of someone holding a hatchet.

The best thing you can do is find a player character to interact with and chat them up. The character might not have time due to being on business, or the player might just not have a couple hours to spare, but people are generally willing to help out in-character just like in this thread, especially as it's often pretty easy to pin out a new character who's clearly a little lost. The divide between what we can talk about in-character and out-of-character retains the mystery of the game, and if you like digging up mysteries there's plenty to learn about.

If it's frustrating that people answered a lot of questions and now can't answer these, keep in mind that we're not just trying to push things away. By inquiring and interacting with other characters in-game you get some of that nice roleplay that we're all about, and since it seems like you've got plenty of experience with text games I imagine you'll quickly pick up on a lot of the basic operation bits that are harder to explain in-character.


In some ways, I am the polar opposite of you. I did some reading after stumbling into the website, and not even a hour or two in I saw what I liked and took the plunge. I'm hopelessly engrossed with this world and the people inhabiting it now, and given the chance, I think you might be as well.

I'd like to chip in and comment on death. Playing as someone who is not risk-adverse, I've managed to get myself killed several times now. And each time, that death has been a major driver of RP. It does not even have to be RP involving the killer, just dropping the "oops, got killed again" in conversion will surely drive RP. How did you get killed, who did it, what happened, what was the motive, etc. Conflict is the mother lode of RP drivers. Expect to get some feels too, because if you put yourself out for it, it will surely happen.

Regarding class and mobility, that's a tricky one. There are good reasons the dome is pretty segregated, and you have to expect that there will be effort put into enforcing it. People can move around socially, but don't expect someone dressed as a hobo mixer to get much in the way of a welcome up-dome. In my limited experience, moving sectors is a major event in a character's arc.

Once again, welcome to the dome. You'll have a mountain of questions, just use those to drive in-character events. Everyone profits!

Hey Honesty. You seem to be a bit like me in that I like to research and learn as much as I can about something before starting.

One thing that you'll find is that due to Sindome's strict OOC/IC divide (a great thing in my opinion) people will be unable to answer most questions relating to the IC world. Even after you join, many of your OOC questions will be answered with FOIG (find out in game). This isn't people trying to be rude, it's just that they CAN'T answer that question for you OOCly. Over time you will get a feel for what things you need to ask about ICly and what things you can ask about OOCly. And asking IC really isn't as hard as it might seem at first.

Now, as a fellow researcher, I recommend the following resources:

The Timeline and Map. Read it all if you can. Full of good stuff.

The Wiki. Again, full of great information. Each page has a notice describing if your character might know this stuff. It's generally the case that the info here is all stuff your character would likely know or easily learn

The Archetypes. Each archetype has a sub page you can access by clicking on the archetype name. Gives you a very general idea (kept general on purpose) of what skills and abilities work together and what kind of characters people find themely. Feel free to mix and match though!

The Sindome Video Tutorials. Answers SO MANY QUESTIONS!

The Newbie Guide. This is something you will prompted to read when you create your character as is packed full of useful information for new players. I still reference it now and then!

The Help Files (also available in game). I especially recommend power-level, examine, examine me, count death, cloning and history. They are all very good though and worth reading.

This most people consume most of this this as they play I think but f you're the kind of person who likes to learn as much as possible up front, go for it!

I was frantically looking for a "quote" button, because there are so many people I wanted to reply to especially. But I'll give up for now. I will say that; Yes, I am the type of person that does extensive research before touching anything. Being told to "just play the game" is off-putting, and does not help me in the slightest (no offense if that is a philosophy you stand by). Thats why I gotta know...

Le respeto. Anyone keeping the IC Line, in the IC line...mucho respeto.

There are just things I need to know, or that I'm curious about. But yes, I can ask many things ICly.

Before I created or posted here, I literally watched all of Slither's tutorials on youtube. I fell asleep on the "Plotting with No Money" tut. I spent at least 30 minutes idling on a guest account trying to read helpfiles. Now it looks like I can read the helpfiles outside of the game (thank you for that, Grey0), it helps me soooooooo much.

I DO know that its best to RP a new character AS a new character ICly, and while I'm not afraid to LOOK dumb (because I am), I just tend to absorb information a little slower then I used to, especially with my sleep-times. Just wanted to educate myself first, yah. Its why you read the fine print before signing the contract.

"You'll be a Super Star" he crooned, "You'll be Super Rich" she purred..."Sign here!" they unified, beckoning polished talons for fingers, their stark eyes widened in ominous ambition.

If I KNOW what I'm getting into before I get into it, I can feel more comfortable in a setting, or game, party, I'm completely unfamiliar with. I don't like surprises unless I'm looking for them...Do NOT throw parties on my birthday. Just give me my cake and go home you, bye.

Working on the Archtype thing, just to see whats what. I will say I had trouble finding a few the links, provided, on my own. I'm not THAT short sighted, its just I think maybe we could make it more transparent..

Again, thank you all for the assist~♫

Doh. Double. I still wanted to know if I could have two languages at creation...

Or NOW to, if it isn't giving away too much...

I think you can select other language competencies during character creation, but all your skills/attributes/languages etc are drawn from the same experience pool.

In terms of planning ahead, I totally get the sentiment. You do you. However, people will gently remind you to 'find out in character' or FOIC/FOIG, because that's just how this game works, it's designed to be learned from your characters perspective.

We all went through the same thing, I promise :)

I believe that only really smart characters can pick a second language during character creation. I don't think you can redirect skill points or attribute points into languages. Regardless, your character will not be fluent in both. It's best to just stat your character out how you feel fit's them best and, if a second language is important to your concept, just dump all your UE into the language until it get's to the level you want. Just come up with a reason why they start off being "really rusty" in that second language for a while.
SO, how do I contact someone personally? I can't seem to find a Private Messanger on the forums, and I feel a little silly tossing all my questions in a post...

And to Grey, is it frowned upon if you actually speak the language yourself, but kinda sprinkle it in your normal dialog?

Taking Baka as an example there..

Discussing the game using outside means is prohibited, and there's not a private messaging section for the forums.

Have you dived into the pool yet? The water is fine, and many of the sharks are friendly. The piranha are vicious little bastards, though. Have to keep an eye out for those ;)

The definitive answer to the language question is:

Also, I really hope you've decided to give Sindome a try! Honestly, reading and researching can only take you so far here. Bring some of that energy to the game and make our day!

Discussing the game using outside means is prohibited

I am aware...muchos gracias (blows kisses). But I don't think I'm asking anything that can be relative ICly, or asked ICly. And no, I have not, actually. I've been rather busy and I just finished moving. My computer is still on the floor, sorta kinda. So, during the time I've just been reading help files, considering a history, descriptions, poking at ideas, doodling pictures and writing drafts...

While I love to start off with a BANG, even I need floaties...

Bring some of that energy to the game and make our day!

Eeeeeeeh. While I strongly agree, honestly, my energy and instinctual habits tend to get me in trouble (mostly OOCly with PC). The research is a floaties. I never stop asking questions if I have them because I'm creative, cautious, and genuinely inquisitive about everything. Which doesn't help that I'm an introvert, so I st-st-studder when I'm happy. That's why I ask if there is a PM system to contact someone 1vs1. Its how I choose to approach...

Flavor words and phrases are welcome. For example, If you want a French speaking character, -snip- Pepper their speech with commonly known words of french origin and lay on your accent!

Also I found this within the linked topic, by Johnny. And it actually answers my question...

Seriously, just go play the game. That's how you learn.
You should approach by just playing the game. Not wanting floaties of all things. Nobody will get their hand held during your play here, its most certainly a game that throws you in the deep side of the pool without any sort of help, including floaties, and allows you as a player to learn, while your PC gains the same knowledge you do at the same time. Boom, even more RP. Just jump in.

And no. You cannot contact anybody '1v1' or in 'pm'. It is strictly prohibited, even if you're not planning to talk about IC things. Use the forums for that kinda stuff, or the IG OOC chat.

I understand what you're both saying. But let me do me...

Por favor~♫

We can no longer answer your questions as they stray into the realm of against the @rules and against the IC/OOC barrier. It is up to you to dive in and find these things out on your own IC like everyone else has on this game.

Not to be harsh, but 99% of your questions can be answered by exploring or asking IC.

You're asking people to break the rules. We can't. Just go RP.
I get the memo. But. Neeeever asked anyone to break anything. I'm getting a better feel for what I general can and cannot ask, or can and cannot be answered. If a particular question I ask cannot be answered, its OK, I gladly accept that.

So. I'll just ask the ones that can...

Are there any major advantages to using the Web Client, versus my using Mush Client?

Try them both. I am sure you will appreciate one over the other. I go with MUSHclient out of habit but most people prefer the webclient as it's well-designed and hassle free.