We've already made some improvements to better ensure we have more Immy greeters, but we can also take some steps to make sure that the Immy greeters are setting new players up for success by discussing what information could be considered the most important for them to provide new players, and then the GMs & Coders can make sure that information is provided to Immy Greeters ICly.
Of course, they can still do whatever they want, cause it's IC, but I think most folks in the job would appreciate some direction, now and in the future.
So the rules for this post are as follows:
You can make suggestions, but they be so specific as to reveal IC information. This is a challenge, obviously. I'll be monitoring this post, and the results of it will be turned into something in character that Immy Greeeters will be trained with. So assume that if you say 'introduce the new player to the coffins' or 'show them where to buy clothes' you do NOT need to include where those locations are. I will be able to figure it out.
Our goal here isn't to talk about the SPECIFICS of what should be said (that can change over time anyway), but rather the knowledge that you think new players should have when they are entering the dome and getting their first dose of the city, the theme, and the game itself.
I will start with a few:
* Show them where the sleeping coffins are and let them know how long they are able to stay in them
* Show them where to buy clothes and help them navigate the commands
* Introduce them to how speaking/watching/listening works
* Point them (OOCly) to the @tutorials
* Give them a breakdown of the general layout of the Mix, including the gangs & law enforcement
* Give them an overview of the layout of the city & its different levels
* Point them toward warehouse & package running work
* Show them to a popular bar where they can find others to interact with