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- Komira 3m
- Bruhlicious 1h Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
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a Mench 5h Doing a bit of everything.
And 19 more hiding and/or disguised

'Count' messages customization
Different messages for counting your flash

Right now, when you type count, the whole room sees:

"A shrouded man pulls out a wad of chyen and counts it."

I'm proposing that the message should be adjusted based on how much chyen your character is holding, something like this:

1-5 chy

A shrouded man pulls out a few chyen and counts them.

100 chy

A shrouded man pulls out a small wad of chyen and counts it.

101-1,000 chy

A shrouded man pulls out a wad of chyen and counts it.

1,001 - 10,000 chy

A shrouded man pulls out a fat wad of chyen and counts it.

10,001 - 50,000 chy

A shrouded man pulls out a shitload of chyen and takes a moment to count it.

50,001 +

A shrouded man pulls out a shitload of large chyen bills and takes a moment to count them.

Gives flavor but most of all it gives folks who are paying attention a hint that there might be a mark in the room. Nothing draws attention in a room full of people as some big-dog flipping through his wad of twenties and hundreds. Even an honest person sees that wad of easy money and thinks, "Well, maybe I could just rob this -one- guy..."

Not a bad idea, but any shrouded guy who counts 50k in public is most likely going to wreck you if you try something.
Ah, but maybe that shrouded man WANTS you to think that in counting so much flash!

Don’t Not do something because you think you MIGHT get wrecked. Fitty kay is fitty kay amigo!

Good idea

How do you account for different denomination bills? Maybe I have ten thousand chyen notes. Maybe I have 100 1 chyen notes?
I often use the state/denomination of bills in poses to give people hints about what my character's been up to. If they just robbed a pizza boy they might be flipping through mountains of bloody singles, but if they just picked up a cash payment from a corpie for a hit job or something, they might pull out a wad of fresh thousands. This whole idea is neat but it seems like something pose can handle!
I came across this post and it hints at something that has been on my mind.

@Slither asked...

How do you account for different denomination bills? Maybe I have ten thousand chyen notes. Maybe I have 100 1 chyen notes?

Chy has weight. There is a fixed Weight to Amount ratio. Some simple division suggests that the 100c note is the standard denomination in the game.

Has anyone else pondered that?

On a related subject, did you know that banks and the Federal Reserve do not count large amounts of money? They weigh it. Each bill weighs exactly 1 gram.

Paying people does have different messages for how much. Perhaps this is a good point.
Also, you can tell how big a pile of chyen is by being able to see it's weight. I guess in Withmore big bills are just literally bigger.
Slither's right, when people pay other people there's a message very similar to what Jmo's talking about here. I actually got a few people in the room together to see if there were unique messages for counting in this way, but it turned out to be just for payment.

I think it would be cool if this message could be applied. I think you could just take the one for payment and paste it over the counting and it would work great.