If you like movies, I find these are best presented in...
Sherlock Holmes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdVtcHMYAM4
The Saint: I couldn't find a solid clip but there's a lot of great scenes of him doing persona prep.
Verbose shortdesc transitions
Anyone watching, following or shadowing someone who uses the appear command should have a chance to notice them transition. This is particularly useful or to your detrimental in the street but I believe this needs to be accomodated more to reduce abuse.
At its core, this means a lot more passive emoting from people using disguise. Noticing someone switching from being a amazonian diva to a puny chen as they move through rooms or changing in front of mirror. Taking on another character is strenous in of itself - cut some slack for the folks who don't know when someone is watching and take it out of their hands.
I propose a major refactor with appear based around transition speed and mirrors:
* If you are in front of a mirror and use appear, the effect is instantaneus.
* If you are NOT in front of a mirror and use appear, the effect takes one room movement to transition.
The @shortdesc command would not be impacted by this.
On the go, when utilizing appear you would have a chance based on your diguise skill and a limited StreetWise Pool (much like luck to prevent abuse) to pick-up a temporary one-use disguise component that correlates with your new identity. I.E. A blanket made of discarded spreadsheets for the urchin, a blazer for the suit, an umbrella for the wage-slave, etc. Where (Sector, Crowd Size, etc) you use appear will also impact your chances of success here.
Notably, I'm very curious about the prospect of thievery being in use or in conjunction with disguise to this.
Clothing Refactors
Have every peice of clothing feature attributes that boost the diguise score of someone appearance that correlates to their size and design. These would be setable/adjustable by tailors on tailored clothing, assigned to premade clothing (which should not have sizing) and would feature broad categories such as masculine, feminine, corporate, mixer, sporty, milspec, etc.
A petite mixer outfit would make a shitty disguise for someone appearing to be a amazonian suit, etc.
Disguise Items would provide blanket bonuses to each type across the board as they are generic.
Persona implementation:
I think persona should implemented in such a way that you should NOT be modifying your @nakeds to appear disguised but rather your persona should be loaded with your disguised @nakeds along with @voice.
Brought up previously and to be discussed here: https://www.sindome.org/bgbb/game-discussion/ideas/making-disguise-persona-slots-2124/
Wigs & Contacts:
If these don't match @skintone or provide @worn messages actually capable of fooling anyone - what is the point?
We need a %hairstyle and %haircolor variable.
With these refactors, mirrors would be more important than ever and I wouldn't be surprised if they started popping up in public places. What stripclub or bathroom doesn't have a mirror?
I propose mirrors are easy to break and commonly defaced. Combat, explosives, etc...should all pose an immediate threat to mirrors. And the only thing worse than having to pay to replace it? The bad luck reduction assigned to whoever broke it.
Skintone Modification
A final ingredient. Sugar, spice, and everything nice...