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Notes Reminder
Cause we all know how bad we are with them.

Just a toggleable option to remind a person every now and then to do their @notes. 'Have you done your @notes today?'
I'm not opposed to this. Would there be any other takers for a feature like this?
I think something like this should be added and toggled on by default with a notification on how to toggle it off as an initial reminder. Even though we have a few threads explaining how notes work, what's expected from notes, and a pretty ok help file on notes, I think the majority of players (especially new ones) don't ever get a feeling for what they should or shouldn't be noting.

The biggest benefit of something like this, initially, would be getting awareness up, more new players talking and asking questions, and getting more mileage out of notes as a whole. I think this might be a feature where the indirect results of it are more beneficial than the feature's original intent, and that would be great.

I think it should be an every 1-hour thing, and perhaps if you hit @quit it will remind you there as well.
Personally, I like the thought of a reminder. I think I was pretty decent at making notes when I first returned, but as time passed, I've forgotten more and more to do so. But yea, having it able to be toggled would be nice.
Personally, I like the thought of a reminder. I think I was pretty decent at making notes when I first returned, but as time passed, I've forgotten more and more to do so. But yea, having it able to be toggled would be nice.
I'm not opposed to it, either. I also think @notes would be a -great- topic for our next player workshop? For all the reasons Espi mentioned.
I don't think I could do a whole workshop on @notes (Well, I probably could, but...) I actually posted some advice on how to do notes in this thread right here:

It's a good guideline to follow. I can always make another thread if we need to.

But back on topic, I think this would be extremely useful to have. Even as an admin. :)