Hola compadres, it's that time again. The Summer 2021 Town Hall has been announced and now Mother Mench UwU requires you all to band together and tell us what you'd like to hear about in this Town Hall. This is your opportunity to give us your feedback and let us know what you'd like to discuss and hear about during the meeting. Help us, help you. Let's make this Town Hall the best one yet!
You can respond to this thread with your suggestions, however, PLEASE in the interest of keeping this easy to manage, do not engage in discussion about the topics here. If you want to discuss them, create a relevant thread in the correct part of the BGBB and note that not every topic will make the cut but we'll do our best to get as much in as possible. We Promise xx
The town hall is THREE HOURS long.
It begins with speeches from the admin, who offer updates on their respective areas of the game (Building, Coding, Operations, etc.).
Then we move into the discussion section, where we run through an agenda of player & admin submitted topics.
We then close it out and people can leave or stick around to chat with the various admin.
If you're stuck thinking for suggestions to give, here are some general topic categories that you can think about:
Code Improvements - What could be changed code-wise to improve the game?
In Character Topics - What can we do In Character to make Sindome a better place for all?
Out of Character Topics - How can we help you, the players feel more at home in Sindome?
If you're still stuck, then take a look at the previous topics thread
Please do not reveal any IC info in this thread. Again, this is just for posting ideas for topics (you can explain your topic in as much depth as you want, but don't get into it with others about the topics they post). Create a new BGBB thread to discuss something if you want.
If this is your first town hall, please refer to the posts below for a list of previous posts relating to the most recent Town Hall.
(Edited by Mench at 10:12 pm on 7/31/2021)