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Saying "it's cool" while keeping true to FOIC/IC/OOC Divide

I'm wondering how I can "sell" Sindome to people while still keeping true to things like FOIC, the IC/OOC divide, and not divulging info to someone who might end up playing? The theme of discovery for a new character is really strong, and makes a big difference to how this game is "played" but if I'm talking to friends (online or offline) I'm wondering how I tell them about the cool stuff that happened to me, knowing they're probably unlikely to play, but also knowing if they knew about the cool stuff there's a chance one or two people might give it a try. This is really difficult to do without giving away information that could take anything from just a day to much longer to find out, and even then then the "finding out" is a lot of the enjoyment. And it's further complicated where I want to talk about something that happened, the meat of the game, the things that made me think, "Damn! This is great!" but equally know not to prime someone for things they shouldn't know.

I know there's been podcasts and video tutorials, and they're great if I want to point elements of Sindome out to someone who's already interested, but friends often take the "personal" recommendation, and the "personal" stories of why a game (any game) is great.

I'm just wondering if anyone has any tips or tricks, or general advice, about how you tell someone about your investment in Sindome, the stuff that you're still thinking about as you lie down to sleep in your real world apartment, without "giving the game away."

I did a search for this, but the search terms I used throw up a lot of noise, so if there's something more on this I'd appreciate it being pointed out.

I can't find it right now, but there was a thread of stories that were 2 plus years old, which is old enough that they can be shared OOCly. It was something like "cool sindome stories" or "great sindome memories". It would be fun to send someone.

Found it! Not as in-depth as I remembered but it's something.

Also, any of the meme threads. Some of them are relatable enough to tickle someone's interest.

Really though, I'd just link them to a "play as guest" link and let them hop in and look around. The roomdescs are so engaging and sic-chatter and everything can pull people in. I normally through some thematic RP at guests IC/OOC to give them a taste of SD. The BGBB is fun, but the game itself is where the real fun is at.

There are some fiction stories around here on the website somewhere too.

Also don't overlook the Features, Lore and Help site sections. Link them to the sticky " list of important and useful threads

" BGBB topic, there is a lot in there which reveals a lot about what the game is like. "Being successful on Sindome" and "Finding and Generating Conflict Naturally" in particular.

Anyway, the whole "find out IC" thing should be part of the sell. It is SUCH an important part of the game, it's a feature to highlight, not a stonewall to apologize for.

Oh yeah, absolutely, "Find out IC" is great because it leads to things happening as you bumble your way around, I just find people are likely to think, "OK, things happen, but what?"

And a large part of getting someone in, and then playing in those first few days, is setting expectations. For me, in the past, I bounced off it once or twice simply because it wasn't fun to "roleplay" my character. Even giving a (made up) example of, "Set your character up as a recovered drug addict, who's past the tweaking stage and into the desparate 'return-to-health' stage" can help someone establish that the immediate fun is what we'd see as everyday interactions in real life, but with the twist of playing a character with problems in a setting 100 or so years in the future.

Giving someone hard examples of how to make roleplay fun (outside of chy, game-mechanic, or power challenges, just in the actual act of talking to people) can really set someone up to make things interesting, and to let the game develop from there. And I don't mean examples of, "I gamed my way to taking down a three year old character as an immie," but, "I wandered into X bar and the interaction I had as someone dealing with coming to Withmore because I painted a 20 foot mural of the mayor in my last city sucking his own dick" can do wonders to set the tone of how the "roleplay" really makes everything shine.

So I'll check out those threads (I've read a fair few that beandip linked to,) maybe some of those examples that are OK to share of someone starting out in there first few weeks will be handy.

Direct them to Slither's Tutorial videos on Youtube too.

First one here is here:

Some are great for learning the actual commands and such but Slither also goes over ideas to make plots without chyen and things like that. He also explains things like FOIC - why that's a thing and such.

Oh, yeah, I was absolutely including Slither's videos in the first post. But they all talk about what you can do to make RP. I'm talking about living as someone -in game- with an interesting story to tell, and making your internal interesting story happen.

I'm saying, in a way, that there's a way of opening up storytelling -not by sending someone to do do something for you, or using them- but by just experiencing that FOIC, and that immediate mix of character versus the world. And that's by telling people, "This really cool conversation I had with someone, well, it really made me get to be thinking about all what's going on..." And it's not about FOIC, or discovering anything, it's literally about the interaction and the world all playing into a vivacious "experience." Quite straightforwardly, without consequences, or winning chy, or whatever, even down the line. It doesn't pay off in two month's time. It was about the cool interaction I had with someone, somewhere. And maybe that should be enough? Just enjoying the immediate interaction you have with someone? And that's the kind of story I'd love to tell to get someone interested—outside of telling myself the story as I play.