This is a great topic. Since cyberpunk often revolves a lot about how much money a character does or doesn't have, I think it's perfectly natural for it to feel like a second job at times -- especially if your character is becoming overworked!
On the one hand, it's lovely to have more RP thrown at you than you have time for. I remember when I first came, I struggled to find RP a little bit and then something happened and BAM, I could easily play 12 hours a day if I wanted to get to everything. On the other hand, I think it's important to remember that Sindome is a game that you chose/choose to play for your own enjoyment. I don't think anything you're choosing for enjoyment should feel like a grind.
Allow this to be an opportunity for character growth. Maybe your character agreed to do something when things were slow; now they're not slow and they need to reconsider what's important to them and tell others to fuck right the hell off (your mileage may vary on how good of an idea that is). In the end, as others have said, chose the RP you want to spend time on and either ignore or get out of the RP you don't. I would hate for players to quit because they were feeling like the game was no longer a game.