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Idlers in bars

Recently I've run quite a lot into people who are idle in bars and other public's pretty awkward to interact with/around them, and keep that icly, and also there are IC reasons to not mess with them, as you may have on the roads otherwise.

I am not sure what would be the solution, maybe have the club barkeep toss someone who is just idling at a bar to the streets? Something about the cover charge.

My take on this is they are IC. They're not idling, they're lingering? Loitering? Whatever it is, probably looks suspicious if we're talking an extended period of time.

Deal with it IC. Maybe mention it to the bar staff, maybe mention it to your chum with the high end firepower... Nobody likes being spied on or watched.

Anyone think treating disguised idlers as a potential threat is small worldy? I think they look suspicious as hell.

My take on this is they are IC. They're not idling, they're lingering? Loitering? Whatever it is, probably looks suspicious if we're talking an extended period of time.

Deal with it IC. Maybe mention it to the bar staff, maybe mention it to your chum with the high end firepower... Nobody likes being spied on or watched.

Anyone think treating disguised idlers as a potential threat is small worldy? I think they look suspicious as hell.

Very few idlers I saw had hoods, just random mano at a bar, idling there for better part of the day. Sure, I could go the usual "break their face" routine, but that hardly seems like a sensible response in a bar hosting dozens at any given time, with many circulating/lingering. It's a bar, not mine.

But then you come in, want to rp, and have to weirdly deal with someone being non-reactive and yet not asleep, and in RP watering holes of all places.

Not saying to break their face in, but I would treat them suspiciously. Nobody goes to a bar to just stand there completely silently for hours, unless they're up to something.

My point is that they are IC, and have chosen to be IC (in probably 99%+ of cases), so standing there doing nothing for hours *is* their RP as far as you're concerned.

Deal with it accordingly... ;)

I also suggest doing your best to deal with it ICly. I've had characters try to talk to an idler then get offended at being ignored. Depending on the character this could escalate quickly. You can make lifelong enemies doing something like that to the wrong guy. :-)

On the flip side I also encourage you to not have your character ignore another character's IC action or inaction because they are 'best buds' and go idle on you. If my character's 'best bud' is following them then they just go idle and stop talking to my character, I will probably have my character treat it as an offense. What kind of chum does that? Following me around all sullen and refusing to talk...

Is it really suspicious though to stand or sit in a bar and mind your own business? I mean they paid the cover if there is one. Maybe they’re there for signal, or getting out of the weather? You can rationalize it either way but if it doesn’t directly impose on you there’s no sense in getting angry at their poor choices. With that said all idlers idle at their own risk.
My point is more that in RL I would find someone standing completely still in a bar for hours a bit weird, in the gritty world of Withmore weird is something I worry about even more than in RL.

If someone's slowly supping at a pint, minding their biz, legit. Nodding their head to the beats? Yep. Oggling the monas? Yup. Standing stock still for over half an hour? Shady as f***.

In this particular instance I would treat them as if they were ambient population. If they aren't actively bothering you and you don't know them or have any reason to bother them, why bother acknowledging them? It's poor practice to afk in game but is it really any better to find reasons to target players you don't think are going to get any rp from you targeting them?

That's not to say afk players don't annoy me. They 100% do... all those wasted sic messages.

If you know the character and have reason to initiate rp with them then that's another matter, then the baka is just ignoring you and act accordingly.
This thread is really just a different angle at this"

If you're not @ooc or logged off you're RPing, even if you're off window or AFK. If you're doing -nothing- I'm assuming you're watching (you are becuase you're logged in, so you can review it all at your leisure), and I think that's more than justified on both an OOC and IC level.

Don't want to get treated as if you're creeping, use the tools available to not look like a creep (log off or go @ooc).

XD I'm not angry at idlers, that's their call, but I'm not going to let myself get spied on or vatted just because other people think I should ignore static characters. (How many room descs describe completely static ambient pop, by the way? ;) )

Keep in mind you may also not be noticing that person's actions. Bars are crowded, and you can't pay attention to everyone.

But if you're certain someone is idle and you want to RP with them, you can always do something innocuous to spur RP later, like writing a letter and giving/planting it on them, then go about your biz elsewhere.

To be honest there are a handful of occasions they might miss attempts to RP unintentionally. Maybe logged in the Grid and while their char IC would notice you interact. Me personally OOC might be looking at the Grid Browser window. That's one example I can think of (possibly the only valid one)
OTOH "big world RP". If there is a (background) crowd in a bar, why would you ICly single out that guy who is a player character?
Because he is your chummer and you need to speak with him, but he is spaced out for hours, and it is weird to RP around. I appreciate that recently staff puppeted few times to resolve it.
Because they're acting different to all of the described ambient population.

Go to your local bar, whack on a hood or don't and see how tables of people react to you when you stand within eavesdropping distance of them while you stare blankly at the floor.

I don't see the controversy here myself. Sometimes people have to run afk with no warning, but people actually go to bars and afk idle expecting to be invisible. That's meta to me, there's literally no reason to do it except you want to eavesdrop with no consequences or effort.

As I said before I'm going to treat the statues as weird and potentially dangerous bakas unless staff say otherwise. :)