That said, I understand why some players might not like that whole thing and would want to do away with the whole discussion.
There is a spectrum on which players sit, the gradient which goes from players who want to view Sindome as what it can be, over to the players who want to view it as it [is]. All players will sit between these two sides and move back and forth as their approaches or sensibilities change.
Players who prefer to see the game as what I can be will tend towards downplaying the rigidity of skills or archetypes, will more often disregard mechanics in favor of flavor, and are more often players who want as much obfuscated as possible.
Players who prefer to see the game as what it is will prefer to be realistic about which skills have coded depth and effectiveness, preference archetypes that have been demonstrated to be fun and popular, and are often more keen to understand how systems work under the hood.
Neither side is any more right than the other, and all players sit somewhere in between. Both of these approaches and types are necessary for a fun and developing and dynamic overall game, both to push the boundaries on what is possible and to take best advantage of the game as it is at any given point.
I think a lot this disagreement over the idea of support or secondary or whatever category of skills can be drawn along this spectrum where there are some players saying 'well this is how you see X being used' and others responding with 'but that doesn't mean X can only be that'.
Some skills won't do as much as others, or translate into obvious success as readily. This is true.
A character's skill choices won't define their roleplay or the fun they have. This is also true.
I think everyone is asserting the correct views from their perspectives and there's no one correct approach, which is not to say that this sort of discussion shouldn't happen -- I think it's good for all players to understand how different players approach the game and how different approaches are valued by different people in whatever ways.