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- Aida 3m
- Komira 2m
- Bruhlicious 1h Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
- himble 40s
- AdamBlue9000 2m Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
- baewulf 3m
- QueenZombean 8m
- Emily 1h Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 5h Doing a bit of everything.
And 16 more hiding and/or disguised

Corporate Hustle

The recent discussion on the Ideas forum about providing more chyen making opportunities for corporate characters has been both informative and eye opening. My assumption was that corporate characters were making chy hand over fist. I don't play a corporate character, but in the few months I have been playing here I've come up with about half a dozen different hustles that I'd be running if I were a corpie.

One of the main takeaways that I got from the discussion is that a number of players want automated / coded systems that align with or offer similar earning opportunities as what are available in the Mix. From that the sense I get is that there is a belief that there should be rough equality between Mixers and Corporate characters.

Am I just misreading that sentiment?

I do not want to derail the good interactions taking place on the Ideas thread by offering some alternative, and what might controversial observations about what I've seen in Sindome, and also about the larger thematic elements of cyberpunk and dystopian realities.

First and foremost, the corporations exploit EVERYONE. That means their own employees too. In Sindome, corporate characters give up access to the coded systems in the Mix in exchange for safety and steady paychecks. This specific point has been talked about plenty and there's nothing that I really have to add about the trade offs that players accept when they choose to create a corporate character.

I have the sense that a lot of corporate players (at least as they roleplay their characters) have a sense of entitlement. A sense of, "I'm a corporate employee. Therefore I should be making more than those mere mixers." They are so caught up in the divide that they do not / cannot acknowledge that they are just pawns too. But they are. This is completely themely. Withmore attracts an unlimited supply of disposable labor and grinds through it in pursuit of profit. Just as there are always immigrants willing to slave away at SHI and couriering crates, there are always Mixers looking to move up to become corporate security officers, PR people and whatever other jobs are available. "Welcome to Green. Here are your keys to a slightly larger and safer cage. Congratulations. Now get to work before we find someone willing to work harder, for less."

Corporations are there to exploit those beneath them. Corporate employees would do well to take that lesson to heart. Even though corporations exploit Mixers, they still pay them. They still give them subsistence wages to feed themselves and keep a roof over their heads. Mixers are labor for the corporations.

If corporate characters do not know how to exploit an endless supply of labor, they are probably not going to be very successful.

From what I have seen, corporations would do well to learn how to Faction from their syndicate counterparts. There is rarely a dull moment in the Mix, primarily because of the organizations that are constantly warring with each other. Now granted, CorpSec can't gear up and openly brawl on Gold. If only there were an endless pool of deniable assets who could be thrown at your enemies....

I think the game would be a lot more dynamic and full of earning opportunities for everyone if corporate players realized that Mixers are useful. If they started to view them as allies. Perhaps despicable, disposable allies. But allies none the less. Allies who want the same thing that everyone else wants. Chyen.

At a high level, the strategy for success is the same no matter where your character exists in the social structure. Make chy. Surround yourself with people who multiply your chy. Avoid people who cost you chy. Then beat those other fools and make their chy your chy.

Just because you see someone making fun of filthy mixers on sic doesn't mean they aren't hiring them out to do their bidding on the daily.

I hope that person is getting well compensated by their boss and granted even more chy with which to hire those trash golems.

Chy which they take their appropriate 'management fee' out of to pad their own pockets with.

This is probably something people need to find out about IC rather than theorize about on the forums.
Sometimes. Sometimes you have to go out of pocket because your will might be highly frowned upon but fuck it because it's what gets YOU ahead. I think that's where people have a breakdown because company operations aren't always what you personally need and vice versa.
From what I have seen, corporations would do well to learn how to Faction from their syndicate counterparts. There is rarely a dull moment in the Mix, primarily because of the organizations that are constantly warring with each other. Now granted, CorpSec can't gear up and openly brawl on Gold. If only there were an endless pool of deniable assets who could be thrown at your enemies....

With respect, my main take-away from this post is there doesn't seem to be a lot of direct familiarity with actual Corporate or Syndicate play, but rather observations about the appearance of how those faction groups work.

From what I've seen, there's not many places for Corpies and Mixers to interact. The Wiki page for KMB says:

"Located at the top floor of the New Light Media building, this exclusive club was born from a joint venture between eccentric scotsman Flannagan McIIory and celebrity superstar Juicy Vee.

The Korova Milk Bar was initially aimed specifically at the corporate masses of Withmore City and visiting executives from abroad. Featuring scantily-clad waitresses serving a variety of drug-laced flavored milk beverages and musical offerings showcasing subtly sexy vocals, and neo-noir personality combined with the laid back grooves of gentle jazz.

The club would go through many stages of evolution following the suicide of co-founder and manager Flannagan McIlroy, shifting its focus from upscale entertainment to a more free-spirit and diverse crowd with events featuring Mix trends making this venue popular with corporate employees and mixers alike looking to add an edge to their evenings."

But now KMB really really NOT very "diverse", from what I've seen. This difficulty has been mentioned before by others, and I think admin just really want to enforce the divide, which I get. But it's difficult to forge relationships with Mixers if theres no place Corpies can dress down and grind on a hot solo for the night. Whisper sweet nothings of money and murder in their ear. Maybe there are places and Im just not equipped to know them yet.

Corpies and Mixers are -meant- to not openly interact and mingle.
With respect, my main take-away from this post is there doesn't seem to be a lot of direct familiarity with actual Corporate or Syndicate play, but rather observations about the appearance of how those faction groups work.

^ This.

Also, let's not discuss potential ways of making money, people need to figure it out for themselves.

Will all respect, it seems like the GMs are coming as close to giving you the answer without printing it on your forehead.

Play like a Johnson. Make loads of chy.

There are going to be two kinds of posts in this thread.

1) Strategy guides

2) People commenting on how things appear rather than how they actually are

I just think if you aren't playing in that field then the perceptions may be highly skewed.
Hek...being lectured at by someone who hasn't the first direct clue what they're talking about would be insulting were it not so amusingly ill-directed, especially if your take-away from the other thread on the macro-economics of topside, was that I personally was somehow at a loss as to make flash. To be blunt, you are simply parroting well-trod truisms and misconceptions at players who know more, and have done more, than you.

My take away from the other thread is that there plenty of mechanisms in place for corporate characters to make lots of flash. Players who understand those mechanisms (like you) are doing well.

What I am doing is reiterating what some of the GMs and more experienced players (such as yourself) have said, "The mechanisms to make chy are already in place."

What I am also doing is pointing out some thematic elements that seem to have been skipped over or only lightly touched upon in the previous thread.

They were skimmed over because they're IC info and strategy.

Further re-enforcing the point that for those players who understand the theme and strategy, topside is working just fine for those players by allowing them to earn enough chy.

Nobody topside doesn't have 'enough' chy. What does that even mean? You automatically get a fat wad once a week and you only need more if you are spending all of what you are getting on dope shit for other players to do.

You tell me. What does that mean?

There was a whole, ~100 post thread in Ideas about people wanting more ways to make chy topside because of the perception that there are not enough ways to make chy. And that topsiders are some how disadvantaged in their earning potential compared to characters in the Mix.

You automatically get a fat wad once a week and you only need more if you are spending all of what you are getting on dope shit for other players to do.

My takeaway was that if you are spending "your" chy on dope shit for other players to do, the GMs will reimburse you as long as that "dope shit" aligns with what the corporation wants your character to be doing.

There was a 100 page thread that was largely people who are not experienced with high level corporate play armchair Sindoming about how it oughtta be.

The zen of Sindome is that you always get out what you put in. If you are creating RP for other people and skillfully navigating theme and gameplay, you will probably be successful in whatever you do, no matter where you go.

0x1mm: With respect, my main take-away from this post is there doesn't seem to be a lot of direct familiarity with actual Corporate or Syndicate play, but rather observations about the appearance of how those faction groups work.

Yep, that is true, and kinda intended. There are games within the game and finding out how things work is part of that.

Ephemeralis: You do have to admit that at some point, if there are *that* many people having problems doing the "obvious" as far as topside play goes, a little bit of suggestive coaching wouldn't hurt.

The BGBB isn't for strategy guides. That's what RP is for. If you wanna know how to hustle as a corpie or syndie or mixer or whatever, find someone doing it and pay them to teach ya, or trade favors. That's the game. It's not supposed to be played OOCly, it's supposed to be played via your character. Most of the ways to make money topside involve working for corps either above board or below board, or working for corpies either above board or below board. Putting your character out there as someone willing to do jobs is a good way to get jobs.

I would MUCH MUCH MUCH rather this conversation be taking place IN GAME. We have an IC forum on the Grid where a post like this, or a post where 100 people wanting to know how to make money topside could post and ask how others are doing it and then that info would be available for other folks to ICly seek out. It would also free up GMs to respond to those posts with NPC grid accounts and give this info ICly, since our hands are tied OOCly.

Just like asking a question on xhelp or game help will get you told to ask ICly (possibly on the SIC), the same goes for when your character wants more info about how to make flash. We've got the mechinisms in place, and if people want to find out about them they should ask ICly :)

You'll probably make some good connections, or identify people to gridmail if you were involved in a forum topic like that on the Grid.


Simply asking me to consider something without providing additional context doesn't give me much to go on. Let me step you through my immediate thought process based on your post:

1. Are you upset that we don't have Grid 3.0 and being salty about it?

2. Is the grid forum broken and I am not aware of it?

3. Are you even talking to me or was that a post in response to someone else

4. Okay I reread my post and you are probably talking to me but I still don't know what the point you are trying to make is and I'm annoyed that you couldn't be constructive.

I took 30 minutes to write out my thoughts on this topic, in detail, and include actionable things people could do as an alternative to what they are doing now, and your response is 'consider why'. That isn't progressing the conversation, or even attempting to engage me in conversation based on the content of my post, so I don't understand what you were seeking to accomplish, other than frustrating me.

he literally says in his post that GM's would respond to grid threads asking about that type of stuff

Based on your most recent posts on this topic, I get the impression that you haven't really had enough time to dig solidly into Corporate RP. I don't want to say too much here but there ARE people who will give you information and assistance. PCs are preferable but NPCs do exist and will give guidance if they are given reason. And giving reason doesn't even have to be that hard.

End of the day, getting detailed info on how to hustle corpie style is very much possible and I have seen PCs do it in a variety of ways. Just because you or a few other board members haven't doesn't mean it isn't possible. Part of the fun is making that breakthrough ICly. :-)

I'm not against feedback about how we can improve the onboarding or how we might make it more visible who to talk to get that info. I just really didn't know what specifically you were taking about based on your original response. I appreciate you taking the time to write it out so I could be thinking on the thing you were suggesting I think about.