In Character
When we say IC we mean In Character. When we say ICly it's like saying that something has to happen/be asked/be told/take place in the game world. It means your character, not you, needs to handle it. Things that happen ICly are things that happen In Game. Things that happen In Game, happen to your character and not to you. If your character is punched, you do not feel it. If they are mad, that does not mean you are mad. IC information is information pertaining to the game world. Where a character lives, what happened the night before at the Drome, who killed who, are examples of IC info.
Out of Character
When we say OOC we mean Out of Character. When we say OOCly we are saying that YOU not your character need to take care of something. If an admin says they need to talk to you OOCly that probably means over xhelp. the OOC-Chat is considered communicating OOCly with other players, when you talk on OOC-Chat it is you talking, and has nothing to do with your character. If you are having a bad day, that doesn't mean your character is having a bad day. They might have just gotten a promotion. Non-banned OOC info examples: where you are from, how old you are, your name, your facebook or aim, anything non-ic related.
IC / OOC Boundaries
There are several boundaries that cannot be crossed (in most circumstances) when dealing with the line between IC and OOC knowledge and how, when and if it can be communicated.
1. A player may discuss any IC information with any admin.
2. An admin may not reveal IC information over an OOC channel.
2.A All IC information received by players from admin must be received through an IC means (npc, letter, grid, etc) except common knowledge (what year is it, where is Withmore located, did we land on Mars).
This means players cannot discuss ANY aspect of the current IC game world with any other player. Telling old stories, discussing the theme or generalized events is acceptable when no non-common knowledge IC info is discussed. For example if there was an event happening this weekend that had been advertised on SIC or TV and grid, it would be acceptable to ask a fellow player outside the game 'Are you going to be around for the RP event on Saturday?'.
All this being said, let's have a discussion that does not reveal any IC information (change names, situations, dates, to make it as generic as possible whenever possible) in which we talk about something that has effected many of you.
We all seem to enjoy a blood soaked, back-stabbing filled cyberpunk RP session in which we come out on top and everyone else is dead. Yes, it's just as fun to lose but that isn't what we are talking about here. We're talking about the times you don't lose, the times where every part of a plan falls into place like clockwork and the board is swept clean of enemies on all fronts, the times where you look back and wonder what you did to deserve the run of good luck that seems to have been the only thing keeping you alive through all the crazy shit that you almost didn't survive, the times where you RP'd your ass off, got the job done and moved up the ladder -- at the expense of another.
What should we call it? Well, we model our world off of real life. So in some cases it's survivors guilt, in some case it's a criminals remorse at their actions. However, in this sense it's our conscience saying -- HEY WAIT, WE AREN'T A BAD PERSON WHY ARE WE DOING THIS? -- and us saying, shit, why -am- I doing this?
We all get into our characters and care for them deeply but we are -not- our characters. Your character might be the nicest person in the world but that really says nothing about how you act in real life. It would be insulting of me to assume that you were nice, perhaps you are just a good role player.
I have lost count of the number of times I've felt guilty for killing another character. This hasn't been as big of a problem lately, as I've tried to pull my character away from that kind of thing. At first I thought it was because I was an admin, but now I've begun to think it's really always been because I feel bad killing someone else's character. They could totally deserve it ICly but I feel OOCly bad. The characters PLAYER hasn't done anything to me, and therefore I shouldn't do something that is going to hurt that player... right? Obviously, that's not the best attitude to have in a cyberpunk game. We are supposed to be ruthless in our struggle to survive and thrive. That's one of the things that drew us in about the genre.
So, this is a bit of a support group for people like me that feel badly OOCly, for the actions of their character. For those who can't help but let some of the OOC feelings seep into their IC actions. We wouldn't feel bad for NOT letting our OOC dislike of a player effect our IC treatment of their character, why should we feel bad for NOT letting out OOC like or neutrality toward a player effect our IC treatment of their character?
The goal here is to work through some of the reasoning behind why we feel like this, to clear the air, to discuss what's right and wrong OOCly, to ask if we even SHOULD feel OOCly bad about something our character did and to be told truthfully that we should not.
No IC info, don't post until at least 3 hours after something has happened ICly to allow all parties enough time to cool down OOCly (just in case), no OOC bitching, the first person to throw ANY BLAME around in this topic is going on my shitlist and isn't coming off of it for a long time, savy?
We play a cut throat game where if you aren't betraying someone you are probably the one being betrayed. Where murder, perma death, back stabbing and lying are not only encouraged but -essential- to survival. There is NOTHING wrong with acting like it.
I'm going to moderate this, and I will respond and address things, and I encourage other admin to as well if they want to, but this is not an official admin thread. Any opinion I offer is my own as long as you aren't flaming anyone or blaming someone for something. Don't take anything I say as any kind of official decree unless I specifically state it as such (if I need to be adminly for some reason during the discussion).
If you're still wondering if this thread is for you here are some basic guidelines:
DONT POST: If you have had something bad happen to your character and you felt OOCly upset or angry in any way, you are welcome to read the responses here to get an idea of where the other persons head was at but I ask that you don't post here. If there is a need, feel free to create another thread for that discussion and I will help to moderate it.
POST: If you betrayed someone ICly, killed someone for an IC reason (money, revenge, gear, etc), robbed someone, ripped someone off, perma-killed someone, ratted someone out, got someone fired, or gossiped and then felt OOC remorse, anger, shame, sadness, regret, or guilt like you had done something wrong or maybe shouldn't have been so harsh or you feel like a big meanie.