The date for the meeting with be forthcoming very soon. However, we need to get started now, picking and discussing topics. If you have not attended one of these meetings before, I implore you to review the links below (the logs may be somewhat long, be warned) to get up to speed on how we do things.
Town Hall October 2015 Topic Thread:
Town Hall October 2015 Soundtrack Thread:
Town Hall October 2015 Agenda:
Town Hall October 2015 Log:
Town Hall April 2015 Topic Thread:
Town Hall April 2015 Agenda:
Town Hall April 2015 Log:
Town Hall May 2014 Topic Thread:
[b]Topics can be:[b]
* Changes to the way the game works
* Problems with the game
* Code changes
* Ideas for moving forward
* Player -> Player Interactions
* GM -> Player Interactions
* Suggestions
* Other things that I forgot (take cues from past agendas)
[b]Topics cannot be:[/b]
* Bitch fests
* Complaints about specific people
* So small that they effect only you or your immediate IC friends (keep it game-wide, or at least sector wide!)
We normally have about 1.5 hours to get through all of the topics. And there are a lot of people. So we are going to have to keep our list of topics concise. If your topic doesn't make the cut, we will have a section at the end for open discussion.
Any questions? GO!
-- S
We will be sticking to the same format this year as we have in the past: Welcomes, announcements, rules, speeches, open discussion.
So without further ado, lets discuss topics. The agenda that I create from these topics will group topics together. Feel free to post multiple topics in the same post, just make sure they are clearly separated.
[b]This is NOT the place to DISCUSS these topics[/b]. If you want to discuss a topic someone puts forward, create a new topic in the appropriate sub forum. Do not discuss it here. [b]You can support a topic in this forum.[/b]. It's good for me to know what you all want discussed so you can offer your support for a topic in a response, or make suggestions for combining or breaking topics up.
[b]Topics can be:[b]
* Changes to the way the game works
* Problems with the game
* Code changes
* Ideas for moving forward
* Player -> Player Interactions
* GM -> Player Interactions
* Suggestions
* Other things that I forgot (take cues from past agendas)
[b]Topics cannot be:[/b]
* Bitch fests
* Complaints about specific people
* So small that they effect only you or your immediate IC friends (keep it game-wide, or at least sector wide!)
We normally have about 1.5 hours to get through all of the topics. And there are a lot of people. So we are going to have to keep our list of topics concise. If your topic doesn't make the cut, we will have a section at the end for open discussion.
Any questions? GO!
-- S