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- BigBiscuit 1s
- adrognik 1s
- Phexion 4s
- BubbleKangaroo 16s
- Lena 1h Yippee Ki-Yay
- Hippo 1h
- Emily 25m I lost myself, in the dark charade.
- Sivartas 2m Busy training guard scorpions in the desert
- Hivemind 4m
- QueenZombean 6s Singing the song that doesn't end, yes it goes...
- Terrible_the_duck 1s
- Wonderland 1h
a Mench 3m Doing a bit of everything.
And 40 more hiding and/or disguised

Sindome Memes 4
It’s getting long over there

Fresh start

I'm so mad you didn't follow the naming convention of the previous meme topics, Grizzly. πŸ˜›

This is America pal.
I don’t need your map.

This guy plays Sindome.

Guys, stop, I'm not supposed to laugh this loud at work.

Which reminds me I got some memes to drop later.

When it's been five minutes since you reminded SIC you're a dog splicer

listen here wench
This one is inspired by something Sly said, but I agreed with it so much that I was internally screaming.

It seems that the bitch boards hate me.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

at sour's request

Definitely choked on my drink with the last two.
"hah there's so many lesbians" every freaking time 🀣
I found the Book of Law

Aight I made my own too.

I hate fish.

(Also @DoveCage it be like that every time.)

This new format is fucking killing me, post more
the 'i only suck dick on occasion' one had me dying
Knives or swords

everybody on SIC:

All aboard the Sindome ride

*Chuckles in sympathetic agony*
It's the "Anor" in there that slayed me.

I decided to think on what typical review sites for video games would say about Sindome, and got a laugh out of what my brain came up with.

"It really makes you FEEL like Ecksman." -IGN
This is your Story! -500/5 -Gamefaqs

There was one way to describe it, cumbersome, though the devs had clearly taken the time to attempt to clarify interface, the method of playing the game still felt too weighty, and yet, still lacking punch. -Eurogamer

The Russian facebook gopnik troll mafia had invaded even here. -Vice Gaming.

I like it, it's a clear expression of a dark and gritty reality, that also forsakes modernities inequality. Shame most of the players are utter assholes though. -The Mary Sue.

Seriously I've read way too much games media.

Oh, god. It IS the Dark Souls of text based games....


It was from a certain event that was funny but aight
It is unacceptable how hard I just laughed at that one, Rhea. I snorted. It was embarrassing.

[++] 52 new posts on Ideas

Petite immigrants in the mix: "I like it down here!"

- giggles playfully.

gdi vera
tfw you come back to the bgbb and see 20+ new posts on an ideas thread

Some idea threads be like

ynk is taking over memes and I'm into it.

this works both ic and ooc

da share zone is da best zone 😁
Immy mechanics, someday:

>62 new posts in Ideas

When there is a good suggestion posted in the ideas forum after some drama

Please no
What have you done?

This sounds very much like something a Withmore citizen would do, @Grizzly666.
When u get invited to the party at KMB but you wear prog cloth shoes:

Ugh ynk. That one got me. xD

When you go corporate.

Bo staffs are fine. Your poncho and wizard staff is totally on theme! Just kidding!

Oh shit... I am laughing way too hard at that @crashdown...
As someone who remembers taking way too much No Doz to get through grad school....the flashbacks....
when you read the moosex guide

I should be sleeping but I found this format somewhere else, and needed to make something like this with it.

when someone returns from @OOC stealthed

@HolyChrome, on point as always.
Deciding what to write on a brand new e-note

Dumping strength on a starting character

I had to read that three times before I realized...
The Ideas thread be like...

I wuz just idle bantering in that ideas thread Grizzmeister don't take it so personal this cool bro I know thinks u should shower have a white claw and totes chillax :))))))))))))))
@Grizzly, that meme was a serious slow burn but god, it got me good.
Yo Grizz, never forget the streets of RED...... Shit...
Fresh GoTo comes in:

But do they tho
When your boss is a Splicer

every mugging in the mix be like

The occasional reactions of people not interested in moosex to people making passes at a bar.

Finding an old e-note at your new pad...

Max-UE characters stealing crates from immies like

When that max UE boyfriend comes back after a 2 year vacation.

"Don't answer that, bruh. There ain't no right answer." 🀣

Mega-church in 2104





Some people are blessed by Anor's divine touch.

Some people get ordained at the AnorsSeventhChurchofGimmeChy node a 4am after too much gutter-grade marcy and ONLY ANOR JUDGE CAN JUDGE THEM

rhea i think i know what that meme refers to and i laughed my ass off
Female PCs be like

What have I become

When a mixer sneaks onto a lev up to Green.


There, link works.

Limmy bringing the quietly profound class commentary.
fooken yoker
More like pubSIC accents: oh Anor

I think I understood 5% of that video. x_X

3 slither memes in a row, 0 Anorawful 7x puns. My disappointment is immeasurable.
When the Immy takes a swing on the max UE solo.

Gifs don't work...

when someone starts going tf off in paragraphs on SIC at you

When you realize UE isn't everything

The power of bromance?

Immy Stealth vs. Immy Perception

Style over substance defined in a single line.

My first Sindome meme, I hope I did good...

@assign UE

saying the Red is soft on pubSIC

I dare anyone...


high CHA Mixers

Rats are fucking CUTE! Don't you dare insult rodents by comparing them to mixers!
This is what peak Sindome perfection looks like.

Gangers who recite the code, up til the point they get caught breaking code

@Ryu Hahaha. That was a good one.

@Grizzly: Too soon. πŸ˜…

@Vera, Talon, Ryu: Loved them all. 🀣

dealing with smallworlding ICly

@Ryu: Oh my god, I lost my shit on that one for such a long time.
WCS Sanitation
Dammit, I'm a doodoo head.

when you're an Eternalist by day, decker by night


Alternative caption, "When you master macros for your disguise skill"

"dick unsucked."
Hi, I'm Mayo Bunny

I'm Murder Dreams. πŸ˜€πŸ‘
Lessgo chummers, I'm Cottage Cheese Halloween.
Coffee Tea

Alternatively here's another few for me,

Racism Hentai

Death Weed

Suicide Sex

Boomer Tits

Cult Sarcasm

Delusion Creampie

Literally had those all hit me in the span of 30 seconds.

Ah yes, the fiercest of Solos. Scourge of the Combat zone. A warrior of untouchable status. The legendary street samurai...

Onion Cat.

Decker of legend, Piss Burger.
Hi, I'm your HR Representative. Just call me Ass-Hair Spaghetti.
The suave and sophisticated Banana Jazz may have had skills, but they couldn't compare to the brash disaster of his natural rival Poser Metal.

(I could have said Banana Tiger, but then I'd be infringing on Witcher 3 memes.)

Kidney Cars.
Learning Flarelighters are fucking refillable after buying fourteen of them last year

Wait. WHAT?!

are they fucking really?

Angst(ful) Kung Fu


gm thoughts be like


I think about this every time I see the the "carrying a blade" message." />

I forgot how to post.

just another night hacking the planet

When you see your lesbian harem in the club

200+ meme posts in 1 month.

We did it chums.

Player retention

Trying to use a Chef's Island for the first time...

Jesus, I nearly spit up a drink while reading that. Ynk, top notch, where do you find this stuff.
l o l

Also, been to Reno, that's fucking accurate.

only real corp-hating Mixers will understand

@DoveCage: Mostly the internet. Netflix included. πŸ˜‰


When you like a performance but also respect the performer's artistry skill

Lmao @beep
im dead
@beepboop That is pretty fucking hilarious.
when Mixers say that Red is great

when you can't afford a tv to watch porn puppets and have to improvise :\

@beepboop: It has been a very long time where I laughed at something so hard I cried. Ace.
Ugh. Holychrome, Jameson. XD
I humbly present...

Personal attack
@HolyChrome I love that one
Im dying lol HC meme skill needs 200 UE to raise at this point
@HolyChrome: I love it! 😁

I will always swear by the value of immies. 😊

literally no one:

max ue solo:

Withmore goes both ways

No-selling it

Immy Lesbian Harem's be like...