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- Komira 39s
- Bruhlicious 41m Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
- himble 1m
- AdamBlue9000 5s Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
- baewulf 29s
- RedProtokoll 56m
- QueenZombean 3m
- zxq 31m
- Emily 58m Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 4h Doing a bit of everything.
And 25 more hiding and/or disguised

Town Hall [July 2018] Topic Thread
Time to float your ideas for topics!

Time to float your ideas for topics for the Town Hall this July!

We're looking for high level topics as well as in the weeds topics. Not every topic will make the cut but we'll do our best to get as much in as possible.

I'm going to be stricter this time around regarding what topics make it into the town hall agenda. That means fewer topics will make the cut. This is due to feedback from the past town hall about the limitations on the amount of time we were able to devote to each topic. I want us to be able to have legit discussions, and not feel as pressed for time.

General topic categories:

Code Improvements

In Character Topics

Out of Character Topics

Please do not reveal any IC info in this thread. And do not engage in discussion in this thread. This is just for posting ideas for topics (you can explain your topic in as much depth as you want, but don't get into it with others about the topics they post). Create a new BGBB thread to discuss something if you want.

If this is your first town hall, please refer to the posts below for a list of previous posts relating to Town Halls, including logs, topic threads, soundtrack threads, and Agendas.

I love Town Halls and I'm really looking forward to this one!

-- S


Feel free to upvote a topic with a reply saying you are interested in that topic and would like to see it on the agenda, if you want. But no down voting please.

Grid 3.0 or bust.
-%quality pronoun or some other way to appraise the skill of the crafter of artistry. This would incentivize continual investment in the skill.

-Allow retirement of characters. The 'death only' exit seems stupid and severely inmersion breaking. It doesn't even have to require GM intervention, make it automated like vacation mode.

-Expand the market and viability for riggers. I have met like, two dedicated riggers in four years in here.

-Enable the stock market topside so corpies with a high trade skill can put it to some sort of use.

- To tack on to Kuzco: in my mind, artistry is still something people tend to hand-wave. The quality of something should be evident somehow to prevent people from over-inflating in their descriptions, and secondly, having a built in quality indicator would lead to shorter and snappier descriptions because newer (and even established) tailors wouldn't feel the need to write a novel just to increase the value of their work.

- Iintroductions/improvements in black market chrome. A ripper doc should be able to do things a regular cyberdoc can't (I know they already can, but more is better). It should be like, oh, you want to get an illegal skull-cannon? I know a mona.

- Skull cannons.

- 'ZDW hires talented fashion designers.' Do they? I feel like merging with an existing major media company would open up opportunities for talented fashion designer characters to make new clothes for mass production, and especially new armor designs. Corporate backed fashion designers with expense accounts would enable viable modeling, easier fodder for KMB shows, etc. I feel like topside needs to revolve even more around appearances, image, bankrupting yourself to seem like you've got it made, and the kind of frivolous degrees of super-privilege that make Mixers want to tear their hair out.

I just want to head off some of this now so we don't get people too hyped up for a conversation during the town hall.

Artistry has a value indicator, it's based on the description you put in, your stats, and your skill level. If people are operating beyond their skill level to an unreasonable and obvious level, you can report them via xhelp and we'll offer some GM coaching on their behavior and approach to tailoring.

Black market chrome with custom mods and such won't happy, sorry. It's a can of worms on balance and bloat that we cannot introduce or entertain at this time.

ZDW is used when we need to introduce more armor and such to the game and want to ICly source out designs to players and pay them for their time. It's not intended to fill the MOO with generic fashion items, we'd do harm to the player economy by enabling that.


Enhance the Forensic skill please! As I recall, Cerberus had a lot of ideas on this topic.

Perhaps add a lowered cost alternative on brawling knuckles or something?

Enhance the brawling skill?



Would be nice to have a conversation about how we can better spread the word about the game to the world of nerds. Maybe we could run an add somewhere? Facebook adds? I don't know, something to get the word out to those potential players.
Sindome should have a Tvtropes page.
The possible OOC 1-hour "relocate to ooc room" timeout thing?
@Supermarket I am not sure what you're referring to. Could you clarify?
I wasn't sure if the admins were going to implement automatic teleport to an ooc area after idling for so long or if they weren't, so I was mentioning that as a topic.
I've been noticing a lot of the PvP action in the Mix is centered around shadowy organized crime. That stuff is cool but it tends to involve a handful of really powerful dudes, and newer or mid-level characters aren't going to get a piece of that.

I want to discuss how we can get more new players involved in gang RP, so they can learn to be hardcore instead of just running errands for the big boys.

@Supermarket that's been discussed and commented on in threads on idling. Please refer to those for the answers you seek :)
Hey folks, we're like 3 weeks out. I will be starting to build out the agenda soon. I would like more topics though! Keep them coming.
New and Mid level PCs have gang activity to participate in. We purposely disallow powerful, high end PCs from participating in the gangs. Syndicates are top level of the UE cap. Gangs are below that. They don't interfere with each other so that the competition is more fair for the conflict that those groups participate in.

We used to have a big problem with Syndicate max UE PCs killing all the PC gangers and NPCs, and we cannot balance the gang NPCs to be max UE, etc.

So they're a part of a purposeful segregation of gameplay now as a result and it's worked out much better.

The only topic I can think to add to the list is the state of the in game economy. I personally find some things to be prices of basic things a new character would need to begin their trades to be a bit out there. I've heard all of the reasoning for it through the OOC-Chat medium, but I don't talk to anyone outside of that so I have no idea if only a small portion think it hinders new players from "getting it" so to speak or if more agree with that aspect or not. I am also guilty of returning to a game that has changed alot and being used to a 2011 Economy (Which was only slightly better but not accounting for all the things that have been re-factored and fixed)
There was some discussion about IC punishments other than death (IE dismemberment, disfigurement, trauma, behavior chips, TiDi, mindwipes, banishment) and how these are intended as more of a thumbs up from staff or your fellow players for taking risks than a 'hey don't do that'. A consequence that's IC bad, OOC good.

I think it's probably a fertile area for discussion as there's a lot of fun to be had trying to play with these consequences rather than wriggle out of them or get discouraged by them.

I would like is to discuss admin, and how we are not the bad guys for enforcing the rules or giving feedback when someone isn't playing by the rules or to the theme. Or when someone is going around being a murder hobo, killing or robbing or otherwise ruining days with no rp.

This feedback is often used as a weapon against us. To say we are horrible or jerks or whatever. Or the people who are spoken with say 'what about you, you play powerful PC's and they are mean and kill people all the time'.

That's something we hear a lot. The simple truth is that there are right ways and wrong ways to play a bad ass. The wrong way is running around like Sindome is a single player game doing whatever you feel like whenever you feel like it. So I wanna discuss the differences, and get some feedback on how this can be communicated better throughout someone's experience on Sindome (help files, videos, game help, @stats, etc)

Corporate play I think is a topic that could use some discussion. Playing in the Mix is fast and fun. You can go out almost any time of the day and find -something- with no real planning. Get mugged. Pick a fight. Try to physically hunt down one of your enemies. Hustle hard for gear. Find hidden treasure. Joy. There's so much and even if you die it barely matters. And if you do like making plans, hoo boy.

Corporate play takes a lot of careful planning and the stakes are huge. Moreover, it's hard to find things to sink your teeth into because the level of secrect required is much higher. A lot of corpies get bored or worse, become boring because it's not hell outside.

So what could be done playerside to help that along?

I'd like to politely propose discussing character retirement.
These are all great. Time is running out to get your topics in for the town hall! Please post soon!
Something of a minor thing, but I would love to discuss the possibility of other materials for precious metals for jewelry. There appears to be some demand for it, and the existing jewelry is a bit wanting in terms of self-expression, which is of course mixed up in conspicuous consumption, which is what we're all about...or at least some of us...most of us?
We're not doing character retirement. I'll quit Sindome first. :P
I actually was thinking about character retirement. I think it's wrong to think of it always like a happy thing -- you can retire unfulfilled, unhappy with yourself, etc. I don't know, I think it's worth thinking about.

Retirement isn't always a happy ending.

That is not good enough in a Cyberpunk dystopian MOO where violent clashes, corporate oppression, temporary death, permanent death, and other MUCH WORSE things are normal. Oh I feel unfulfilled just doesn't cut it for me as a 'negative character retirement.'

Come on guys, you're breaking my heart.

There are a lot of characters that should probably be retired, traditionally people playing those type of characters are super butthurt every time the subject comes up though.

I wanna second Grizzly666's comment. The economy is.... wacky at best.

The economy is fine, it's not meant for new players to acquire cool things without effort.

Guys, let's have some specific talking points, we can go hours upon hours on topics without specific content to discuss and we don't have time for that during town halls.

Specific questions about specific things so we can draft up an agenda based around line items to discuss, otherwise you get what we decide to talk about.

Economy is intentionally set, and is perfectly fine. I have no concerns there and no desire to make changes unless you can point something out that makes no sense to you specifically on xhelp, then I will review it.

Also, please no more talk about retirement, I will probably make a statement at the Town Hall to put it to bed.

It isn't really something to add to the list of things up for debate but I'd just like to give admin a friendly reminder/request to maybe announce the super duper ultimate final heavenly mandated rules for redecoration and in-game furniture, just so we can start sticking to those for less editing work for builders.
Not sure what you're talking about. You cannot @redec objects into your apartments. It's pretty straight forward. You don't get to include furniture, only layout of the room, colors of the walls, no art, art is an object, etc.

Is the help file not satisfactory? It says right in it;

In general, your room description should not include furniture or objects like vases, models or anything artistic that can be made with the art objects provided in game. Essentially any 'thing' that could be interacted with should be left out. A description is the frame of the room, it provides a theme and a 'feel', that you fill with actual objects. We have so many options and objects in game for you to fill a room with, you simply don't need to include intangible and potentially movable decoration pieces in descriptions, generally. There may be some rooms that go against these guidelines, but those were created before the guidelines were updated and will be slowly and overtime brought to standard. If you do find any rooms that do not fit the guidelines, please report it to us via @typo. If you wish to have seating included in your room then you will need to put in a service request as these are exclusive from room descriptions.

We've opened a larger dialogue on this Character Retirement thing internally between Slither, myself, and Johnny.

I have a LOT of things I am going to consider requirements for me to outright agree on it without forcing a vote, but we might be able to find a happy compromise with enough quality control, time requirements, RP fulfillment requirements, character age requirements, etc, that will make me feel like we aren't enabling people to wanton throw away their work without properly thinking it through, I am actually okay with a system that requires more thought, and preparation than a suicide booth trip, or just logging off for 12 weeks to reap.

When I responded earlier to this thread it was to the idea that a player could decide on their own that they could hop on a shuttle and leave forever, without getting permission from staff, or without a cost, or closing any doors on active RP/plots. I see way too many opportunity not only for abuse but for regret from the players and I want to make sure IF we do this, we do it with all protections for roleplay, and for the players sanity in place.

That's very reasonable. I'm looking forward to it's discussion and maturity.
Totes time for topic suggestions right?

1) I would like to talk about how under-powered blunt weapons have become with changes to how KO works. I see way too many Kats and such floating about in my opinion. This is probably a dead horse gripe to flog, but like Rhianna whips and chains excite me.

2) I think corpse cloning user experience flow needs improvement, if for the simple reason that it can just dump you into a public IC space for days at a time for no IC reason. I propose that successful corpse cloning gives a message (similar to a fail) that states the citizen has been cloned and is in cognitive storage under clone treaty law blahlbah. Then the person cloned wakes up in the equivalent of a coffin, just described as a fluid vat that they get discharged from. This is minor code recycling.

That gives a clear IC guide to players coming out of the tank as to how they play their foggy lost 24 hours instead of a revert to clone update timestamp. Plus it makes way more thematic and IC sense.

3) I think retirement should be handled as an @request to staff, and then roleplayed out. You already get a message after 5 years play time with a character to make a cyberpunk exit.

4) New player relations is in dire straits. I shut off OOC and Game because every time I hear FOIC I want to light my house on fire. Players and staff have become rule Nazis and instead of providing guidance wield the FOIC club like it is going out of style. There isn't an attempt to train a new player (or returning ones adjusting to new code, conduct, and rules). It is just text based Asperger's dialed to 11/10 saying FOIC. Super. Super. Frustrating. It is also THE number one complaint and negative review on listing sites, FB, and elsewhere.

4) New player relations is in dire straits. I shut off OOC and Game because every time I hear FOIC I want to light my house on fire. Players and staff have become rule Nazis and instead of providing guidance wield the FOIC club like it is going out of style. There isn't an attempt to train a new player (or returning ones adjusting to new code, conduct, and rules). It is just text based Asperger's dialed to 11/10 saying FOIC. Super. Super. Frustrating. It is also THE number one complaint and negative review on listing sites, FB, and elsewhere.

Yeah this is pretty relevant

5) I propose clarity be brought on how clone imaging and scars and appearance work. This is not a code issue, rather an propagation of IC thematics and a tweek to the timeline.

My suggestion is that cloning be described clearly in IC spaces and OOC creative content. That it be described as a combination of somatic imaging and memory engramatic patterning. Basically your body is visually and biochemically scanned, and in order to maintain the psychological mapping of memories the body physically is made to match what the mind expects.

I have had a pile of fuzzy discussions IC around this and how it works, which is why I mention it needing solid clarification.

5) help cloning has been updated, please review.
Are drug withdrawal scripts too meta and immersion breaking?

I wrote a few of these so I'm posing the question. Long and short of it is, should the forced poses and SIC messaging too much? Personally, I've grown fonder of the strictly internal messaging and it would be fairly easy to redact these to simply be though.

My thought is we separate into severity. Recreational drugs are strictly internal and maybe combat drugs show external. Either that or better balance between withdrawal timespan and actual consistent usage. I.E. You took a hit of a joint, the comedown is a day or two. You smoke two joint's in the morning, two at night, and two in the evening...yeah, that's going to be 1-3 weeks of withdrawal symptoms.

Could yahll possibly configure the website, play client, et cetera, to be strictly https:// or forward to https:// or however that works?

I have to keep manually adding it to the website and play client. Even to the play client after accessing play now from I tried playing around with the cookies and stuff, and still having the same result. I think the IT group at the company I work for, is onto my game time now!

xD lol


Also, what would be pretty great, is that Graffiti was listed in the room description with more detail. Currently it just just says "The walls have been daubed with colorful graffiti.", and you must look at the graffiti to see it with a command function. It makes sense to me that when in a room or on the street, a huge scrawl of graffiti would be just as noticeable as other descriptions that are detailed. I feel it would give the rooms/locations a lot more CP flavor.

On a similar note, it would be nice to be able to target specific graffiti with the aerosol can. I believe right now, that you just command 'spray solvent' and it starts dissolving all graffiti in that room, without prejudice. For example, if one 'faction' is cleaning up graffiti from another faction, they wouldn't remove their own pre-existing graffiti just to remove the others.


Folks, I appreciate the enthusiasm but this is not a feature request thread. This is topics for the town hall. There may be a chance to discuss feature requests at the town hall but they don't require individual agenda items. Feature requests go in the Ideas section :)
Eeeek, sorry about that.I'll post them there.
- Ganger Changes will be on the Agenda.
Topics are closed!

A few comments on things that didn't make it in.

BRAWLING: Perhaps add a lowered cost alternative on brawling knuckles or something?

-- You have a free alternative called your fists. Not every weapon is intended to be able to stand up to every other weapon. The cost of a weapon is based on the amount of damage it can do.

Mephibosheth 2) I think corpse cloning user experience flow needs improvement, if for the simple reason that it can just dump you into a public IC space for days at a time for no IC reason. I propose that successful corpse cloning gives a message (similar to a fail) that states the citizen has been cloned and is in cognitive storage under clone treaty law blahlbah. Then the person cloned wakes up in the equivalent of a coffin, just described as a fluid vat that they get discharged from. This is minor code recycling.

-- We agree. help cloning has been updated. We are also discussing ways that we can improve the corpse cloning process in general. Created a BGBB thread to discuss ideas.

BLACK MARKET CHROME: not something we have planend due to balancing issues. Not off the list entirely, but other things are higher up.

REDECORATION RULES: Redecoration Rules [help redecoration] (5 min)

Enhancing Forensics: Revived a BGBB topic on this

Grid 3.0: Johnny will cover this in his speech, and for now, please post your ideas in the feature request thread here:

Character Retirement [help sunset]: This is a discussion that will take place on the BGBB based on our decisions made upon it.

Stock Market: Please see this thread

IC Punishments - Death, Prison, TiDi, Mind Wipe, Banishment, Cryo (A consequence that's IC bad, OOC good) See this thread: